━━ fifteen

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( the letters )

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( the letters )



━━ Before everything that had happened, Mila had been looking forward to the holidays. She'd been excited to live with Lupin, excited to visit Harry and Sirius, and excited to forget all about that damned locket. But now, the Easter holidays were here, and the only thing she could say for certain was that she was relieved to leave Hogwarts for a while. All the stares and whispers were getting to be a little too much.

She hadn't spoken to Malfoy in the final days of the term, mostly because he seemed smart enough to steer clear. Mila didn't know if he had been upset by what she now referred to as ❛ the incident ❜, but she hoped he would realise that she cared about him enough to not throw away their friendship.

Lupin hadn't said anything when she asked if they could stay at his house for the duration of the break. He had only frowned in that studious way of his before nodding.

The worst part was the train ride back to King's Cross. Mila had thought better than to try and sit in the same compartment as Harry. Instead, she had ended up with Ginny and the fifth year Gryffindors, who, of course, noted the absence of one Mister Harry Potter by her side. She tried to make conversation and laugh at their funny attempts to impress a sixth year, but her heart wasn't in it and she mostly kept to herself.

She wondered how the others were doing. If Ron was splurging on the food cart, if Hermione was telling him off for eating so fast ... if Harry was happy, smiling, laughing. Or if he missed her, even after only a few days. 

She knew she did.

She couldn't remember the last holiday break she'd had where she hadn't spent at least some time with him. She hoped he would spend time with the Weasley's──that would make him happy at least.

She caught a glimpse of him while she was carrying her bags off of the train. He hadn't seen her, but she couldn't help but notice he looked as miserable as she felt. Apparently space didn't do either of them any good.

She met Lupin on the platform, and was glad when Hermione came over to give her a quick hug goodbye.

"Look after him for me," Mila whispered to her friend, and Hermione gave her a smile and a nod before running over to Ron who was eyeing her angrily. Ron hadn't so much as looked at Mila since ❛ the incident ❜. Harry needed him more than she did, so she wasn't angry about it, but it was upsetting to be fighting with yet another friend.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now