━━ twelve

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( the party )

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( the party )



━━ Care of Magical Creatures was rough. Mila was too mad to try and figure out what was wrong with Malfoy, so they simply sat, and unsuccessfully ) tried to get their porlock to play with them. 

Figures that the little guy can feel the tension, Mila thought.

She didn't know what this meant for Hogsmeade. She would have to go fetch the locket herself, and pray that the stupid shopkeeper didn't ask for any more money. She didn't have any, and she was still going to pay Malfoy back. She didn't want to owe the prat anything.

Malfoy watched her out of the corner of his eye. If she wanted to ask him about last night, she didn't show it. He felt the notable absence of a warm smiles during their class. She'd only just begun giving them to him, and all it had taken was one fight for them to go. A part of him was bitter that she didn't even seem to be trying ask him what happened. She had written him off.

Good, he thought, she's a spoiled brat. He could take the cold shoulder. He was a Slytherin.

When Hagrid walked around to them, he frowned as their porlock cowered away from the pair. He continued round the class, scribbling in his notebook, leaving Mila crouching and sighing.

"Stupid thing's got trust issues," Malfoy muttered, throwing a twig at the small creature.

Mila didn't reply, and instead continued trying to coax the porlock with some food she had in her hand.

Malfoy scratched his head, muttering something else she didn't catch. She glanced at him secretly, and he looked ... guilty? Well he should, he'd said awful things to her last night.

Malfoy seemed to swallow before speaking, "Maybe if you try the red toy."

She ignored him again and he huffed. It seemed that he could not, in fact, take the cold shoulder. Not when it came from her, and not with all the progress they had made.

"Look, do you want me to say I'm sorry? I'm sorry, okay!" His yell came out in a whisper. There was no way he wanted other students hearing him apologize.

She bit her lip, unsure of what to do. Last night, he'd shown her he hadn't changed as much as she thought he had. Harry had barely been able to look Mila in the eye after the things Malfoy had said. He had been mortified, and Mila was so protective of Harry that she was too angry to forgive Malfoy.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now