━━ twenty four

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( the return )

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( the return )



━━ Mila knew the day the school holidays hit because she been keeping track religiously. She has officially missed all the sixth year exams, and she dearly missed her old life. The version which hadn't been completely bulldozed.

She'd processed and processed and processed. She'd sat for hours in her small room, restlessly turning, unpicking every tiny interaction she'd ever had with anyone, and just about going stir crazy.

But she was angry. 

She was still so angry; that hadn't gone away. She was angry they had put her in this situation, and she was angry that she had no idea how to get out of it. Nothing would ever be the same again. It was a lie too big to get over with ignorance, and one fabricated by too many for her to truly trust anyone in her life.

Hermione had said Harry didn't have any part in it, but she couldn't know for sure. Even Draco ... Draco who had so graciously helped her uncover her family. The secret she thought was the only one in her life that could cause such a heavy amount of bother. But she couldn't know that he hadn't used the identity of her parents to throw her off. That someone, anyone, namely Albus Dumbledore had instructed the young Malfoy to keep her occupied. 

To give them more time.

She didn't know if it was fair for her to find reasons to distrust him, but there was simply nothing more to do in this low-rated cesspool than think. And think and think.

The money was almost out. She was surprised it had lasted this long. ) She's been sneaking into the motel kitchen to take food rather than pay. If she hadn't done that, she would have been out of here days ago. )

She didn't know where to go.

She'd only been outside on a couple of walks, never straying far past the motel. She decided to go on another one to clear her head. She'd been wearing a variation of the same six items of clothing she'd managed to bring with her from Hogwarts. Luckily, among those items was a tank top and shorts. Summer had hit the ground running.

She walked outside, immediately hit with strong rays of light. Most rooms had their curtains drawn against the sun, Mila's included ( though this could also be chalked up to the fact that motels were mostly occupied by those in need of privacy. )

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now