━━ twenty

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( the preparations )

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( the preparations )



━━ The ball was only two days away when Mila began fretting in Care of Magical Creatures.

Hagrid had asked Mila to brush some of the thestrals since she was one of the few who could see them. He said he would give her extra credit, and Mila had begrudgingly agreed. Draco had offered to join her, and after some convincing that it was possible to brush something you couldn't see, Hagrid had allowed it.

So there Draco was, watching Mila groom air, when he saw her face change while she was deep in thought.

He sighed, "What is it, Lovett?"

Her question caught him off guard, "You don't get embarrassed easily, do you Draco?"

"What are you going on about?" She paused her brushing and began petting the thestral's neck. 

"This may seem like a rather materialistic concern after everything we've been through. But──" she hesitated.

Though his face didn't show it, he watched her with fondness, "But?"

"Due to, uh, certain circumstances, I may be somewhat of an ❛ outfit repeater ❜ at the ball."

"What exactly does that mean?" His arms were crossed rather casually, and he wondered what an earth this girl was talking about.

"Do you remember my Yule Ball dress?"

He definitely did, but he wasn't going to tell her that ... for obvious reasons, "Describe it to me."

"You know, blue. Lots of frills. Very ... vintage." 

At the time, she loved it. But even after only two years, it had not aged well.

"I seem to recall it."

"Well, get ready to recall it a hell of a lot more because I'm wearing it again." She avoided his gaze and went back to studiously brushing the thestral.

"You just couldn't get enough of it the first time?" 

Why would she wear it again? 

Draco thought girls liked shopping for new dresses.

She looked a little downtrodden, "Something like that."

Oh right, she's mentioned this before. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now