━━ twenty two

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( the explanation )

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( the explanation )



━━ "Mila?"

The girl stared at the date in her hands. 

Nineteen sixty. 

That couldn't be possible. But no one had touched this locket, or photo, except her and Draco.


Nineteen sixty.


She turned around. Both girls panicked; both breathing rapidly. Hermione took one look at the horror on her friend's face before the words just fell out of her mouth.

"You know."

Mila didn't get a chance to say anything before one of her best friend's in the entire world raised her wand at her.



━━ When Mila woke up, she was in Remus Lupin's office. She didn't know how she got there. It was still night: she could tell before she even opened her eyes that not much time had passed. She also knew she wasn't alone.

"Remus, she's stirring," a man said.

Mila's brain was foggy, but she recognised who it was. She slowly peeled her eyes open to find Sirius Black staring back at her.

"I──" She couldn't talk. Her throat felt sore. Maybe that was a side effect of being...

Hermione was suddenly in front of her, holding a glass by her face, "Drink this."

Mila was too disorientated to disagree, and she took a sip of the water to try and clear the muddiness.

She sat up in the chair she was placed in. Sirius was hovering, but she brushed him off, and tried to catch her breath.

She was still in her ball dress. She still had Draco's bracelet on her wrist. But her locket was missing from her neck. She placed her hand there and frowned. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now