━━ thirty three

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( third year )

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( third year )



━━ Something was up with Mila, the boys could tell. Ever since the term had begun, she had been sullen, distracted: completely unlike the Mila they knew.

She had avoided them. She had snapped at them. One night, James and Sirius had been arguing over which was the best holiday destination to summer in, and which wood was superior for broom making, and Mila had called them ❛ pompous rich brats who didn't have real problems, and wouldn't know the difference between a nimbus broom and a knock-off if it hit them in the face ❜.

The great thing about James Potter and Sirius Black, was that they would do anything for their friends. The most annoying thing about James Potter and Sirius Black ( at least according to Mila Lovett in the present ) was that they would do anything for their friends.

In an effort to cheer her up, each became more competitive in their method.

James and Mila had made the Gryffindor Quidditch team last year, both as chasers. In one of their recent practices, James had convinced the rest of their team to wear red wigs and dress up as Mila while they played. He thought it would make her laugh. 

It didn't.

Sirius jogged in front of her after one of their classes, sprinkling rose petals in whatever direction she was walking. He searched her face for a hint of a smile, but she got so frustrated that she turned around and walked back the way she came.

The rest of the school population knew not of Mila's sadness. All they saw was Sirius and James making larger and larger gestures for a girl that was brushing them off. They saw it as declarations of love. And maybe, in a small way, they were. )

Mila became more closed off the more they tried. Remus tried to catch her late in the common room one night, asking her what was wrong, and trying to give her a more quiet method of relief. Hell, even Peter had asked at one lunch if she was okay.

When the boys were alone in the common room one night, they discussed tactics.

"Dungbombs?" James asked, his hair askew from his constant head-scratching.

Sirius shook his head, "Did that last year."

"We could hide all the furniture in McGonagall's classroom."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now