Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
*Grayson's POV*
Lilia made it through the night. We watch her as we wait for her to wake up. Her chest barely rises and falls with each breath. I check her monitor to make sure her heart is beating. I sigh in relief when I see the heartbeat on it. "You're doing great," I say to Lilia. After a few hours she wakes up. "Good morning!" I say even though it's one o'clock in the afternoon. Lilia smiles and looks at all of us. "I.............l-love........ y-y-y-you....... all," she says. "We love you so so so so so so so much," Kylie says. "We love you more than words could say," I smile. Lilia smiles and nods her head yes. "I-I-I'm........... gunna.........mis-s-s...... y-you.....a-a-all," she whispers. "We're gunna miss you too," Ethan says. "So so much," Mom says. "So so much," Dad repeats. She nods her head and smiles.

*Lilia's POV*
"Grayson.........." "Yes??" he asks. I flick my fingers to motion him to come over. "What?" He asks sitting next to me I hold out my hand and he takes it. I squeeze it tight he squeezes back. I promised him I would hold his hand as I walk into the light. And now is that time. "I-I-I...... love...... you..... all," I breath out. They all say they love me back before. But I wanted to hear them say it one last time. "We love you too," Mom and Dad say together. "I love you so much," Kylie says. "I love you sis," Ethan says. Grayson squeezes my hand. "I love you so much sis, I'm really gunna miss you." I squeeze his hand back and smile. I see light is the darkness. Just like that painting we saw in Paris. Grayson explained what dying is like perfectly. A little light in all of this darkness. I see my mom in the light. "MOM!!!!!!" I yell. I try to run to her but I'm stopped by someone grabbing my hand. I turn and see Grayson and my family behind him. I turn back to see my mom in all of this shinning light. "Please don't go," Grayson says. "I have to. It's my time Gray. I love you so much and I will miss you. But I'll be watching over you and I'll be waiting for you. Goodbye." I squeeze his had one last time. I let go of his hand and wave goodbye to my family. "I love you!" I yell to them. "We love you too!" They yell back. I turn around and run towards the light. I reach my mom and I hug her. "I've missed you baby," she says. "I missed you too mommy." We hold hands and walk towards the light together.

*Grayson's POV*
I squeeze Lilia's hand. "I love you so much sis, I'm really gunna miss you," I say to Lilia. She smiles and squeezes my hand back. Her eyes start to close and she starts to space out. This it it. "Please don't go," I whisper. She squeezes my hand and doesn't stop squeezing. After a minute or so her grip starts to loosen and she lets go. Her heart monitor stops and she flatlines. Doctors run in and push me out of the way. "LILIA!!" I yell. "PLEASE!!! LILIA!!!" I yell again. They start to do compressions and after that doesn't work they get out the shock paddles. They shock her a few times but nothing works. Doctor Mendez looks at the clock. "Time of death 1:27 pm," she says. "NO!!!!" I yell. I try to get to Lilia. Ethan pulls me back. "ETHAN LET ME GO!!!" "STOP GRAY!!" "SHE'S OK!!SHE'S GOING TO BE OK!!!" "GRAY!!! SHE'S GONE!!! She's gone...." I look at Lilia and back at Ethan. "She's gone bro," he says. I collapse to the floor and start to bawl. "No no no no," I sob. Ethan sits on the floor with me and hugs me. He helps me up and out whole family comes in for a hug. "Excuse me?" A nurse walks in. We turn to face her with tear streaked faces. "Yes?" Mom asks. "Lilia told me to give these to you once she passed," she says taking out some letters. "Thank you," Dad says taking them. The nurse leaves and we turn to face Lilia. I decide to speak. "Goodbye Lilia, we will always remember you and we will always love you."

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