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*Grayson's POV*
"Higher daddy higher!!" Claire shouts as I push her on the swing. She just turned five years old a couple months ago and she's the cutest little thing. She has brunette hair and the cutest little face. She got the brown hair from me.  "I'm pushing as high as I can!" I shout back. "Here let me push her," Reagan states marching his way over. He turned seven a couple months ago and he's so funny. He's got brown hair but it's a little lighter than Claire's. Reagan is always trying to be the best big brother to Claire. It is honestly the cutest thing ever. "Ok you try Rea," I say patting his back, "I'm going to go sit with mommy for a second." I walk over to the bench where my beautiful wife Camilla is sitting. She is one year younger than me, she's twenty eight right now. She has dirty blonde hair and is drop dead gorgeous. I'm so lucky to have found such a sweetheart like her. "How's my wife?" I ask. "She's doing fine," she smiles. "How's my baby?" I ask sitting down next to her. "She's doing even better," she says rubbing her stomach. "I can't wait to see my little princess," I say. "Reagan is already such a good older brother. I can't wait until he has two little sisters," she says watching him push Claire on the swing. "He's so protective of her. It reminds me of me." "You we're protective over Cam?" She asks. So I never really told her about Lilia. It never really came up. I told her and I basically told everyone that my angel wing tattoo was about me when I died. But really it was for Lilia. I might as well tell her everything. "Well I actually had a younger sister. She was my foster sister. Her name was Lilia." Camilla looks at me shocked. "She passed away when I was eighteen. She got me this earring while she was alive. So I got this tat in her honor after she died." Her eyes go wide, "I'm sorry." "It's ok. I know she's watching over me and our family," I smile looking at Reagan and Claire. Camilla smiles at me. "So have you thought of any names for the baby?" I ask changing the subject. "Actually I have." "What are they?" "Well I've always loved the name Kenzie, but now Lilia is on my radar." I don't want to have my child named after my sister, that would be weird. "I like Kenzie," I smile. "Kenzie it is," she smiles too.

~Three years later~
"Ready for your first day at preschool??" I ask Kenzie. She nods her head and gives me the biggest smile. I put her dirty blonde hair, which she got from her mom, into two pigtails. "Reagan!! Get down here you're going to miss the bus!" Camilla yells upstairs. "I'm coming mom!" He yells as he runs down the stairs. He runs over to Kenzie and picks her up. "Love you Kenz, have a fun time at school," he kisses her forehead and runs out the door. We wait a few seconds and he runs back in. I throw him his backpack. "Thanks dad," he smiles. "Come on Claire!" He yells. "I'm right here Rea!" She yells grabbing her backpack. "Love ya Kenz! My mom bye dad! Love you!" Claire yells as she shuts the door. I turn to Camilla and she sighs. I laugh and tighten Kenzie's pigtails. "Well that was hectic, wasn't it Kenz?" I ask her. She giggles and runs to get her little Dora backpack. "I'm ready for school!" She yells giving us her biggest smile. "Bye mommy!" She yells as we leave the house. "I'll see you after work. Love you," I kiss Camilla's cheek. I get in the car and drive Kenzie to her preschool. I park and pick her up. She flicks my earring like she does everyone I pick her up. It reminds me of Lilia every time she does it. "Have a fun day!" I yell to her as she runs into her class. I walk out the doors of the school and make my way to work. I'm the CEO of my own company. I have a beautiful wife. And three amazing kids. I look up at the sky. I hope Lilia is proud of me. I've lived my life to the fullest. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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