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The car lights shine bright as they pull into the driveway late at night. The staggered footsteps leading up to the door. The creak of the door opening is so familiar, and the slam of the door closing is just as familiar. The opening of the fridge comes right on cue, as does the pop of the beer. The only thing heard in the house is the sound of chugging. Then the sound of a bottle breaking echoes through the house. The slow steps going up the stairs comes next. And then the pounding on the locked door, but locks can't stay put forever. The door bursts open and the footsteps go into the bedroom. It takes awhile but they eventually find themselves at the closet. The closet door creaks open and the footsteps go inside. Even though this is all on cue, terror still falls upon the girl in the closet. She curls up into a ball, hoping and praying that tonight would be the night he wouldn't find her. But, just as always, he finds her. She closes her eyes and keeps her mouth shut. She knows it will be over quicker if she doesn't resist. He yanks her out of the closet, gripping her arms oh so very tight. She knows there will be bruises there in the morning. She is shoved to the ground and that is when the real pain will begin. First come the kicks, they are the most painful because her body isn't numb yet. After the kicks come the punches, those aren't as painful because her body begins to feel numb. And after the punches come the slaps, but those are barely noticeable. He throws her onto her bed and storms out of the room and passes out on the couch downstairs. It takes about an hour or two for her to regain total consciousness, and that's on a good day. She goes into the bathroom and cleans herself up, washing the blood off herself and gently washing over the bruises. Gently, she puts on new clothing and tries to wash out the blood stains from the clothing before. She then goes downstairs and picks up the broken shards of glass left by the breaking of a beer bottle. She goes upstairs and lays in bed. And tries to sleep, praying she won't have nightmares of the event that just occurred. But as always, she does. Morning then soon comes and she gets ready for school. Long sleeves and jeans are put on to cover up the scars, no matter what the temperature is. And full coverage makeup is applied to anywhere clothing can not cover. Walking to school because he is still passed out drunk on the couch. She goes to school and keeps her head low, hoping no one will notice her. She doesn't care if she doesn't have any friends, it's easier that way. She walks home and finishes up school work. She makes herself dinner and goes upstairs. She fixes the lock on her door, even though she knows it will be broken later that night. Soon, nighttime falls and the car lights shine bright as they pull into the driveway. The staggered footsteps leading up to the door. The creak of the door opening is so familiar, and the slam of the door closing is just as familiar. The opening of the fridge comes right on cue, as does the pop of the beer. The only thing heard in the house is the sound of chugging. Then the sound of a bottle breaking echoes through the house. The slow steps going up the stairs comes next. And then the pounding on the locked door, but locks can't stay put forever. The door bursts open and the footsteps go into the bedroom. It takes awhile but they eventually find themselves at the closet. The closet door creaks open and the footsteps go inside. Even though this is all on cue, terror still falls upon the girl in the closet. And that girl is Lilia Brooke Pierce.

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