Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
*Lilia's POV*
The past couple of days has been pouring rain. So we decided to spend time in our house as a family. Luckily we brought games in case this happened. But I've had to have Grayson be my partner for every game that involves reading.... because I can't read anymore. Like I just forgot how to. I get sad about it sometimes but I try to ignore it. I mean it's so degrading to not know how to read when you are a high schooler. But I just have to roll with the punches. Also I've been getting for headaches and stomachaches. But those can be solved with the pills. I've lost a ton of weight and I can tell. My legs still have some meat on them, but my arms are basically just bone. My stomach has kinda deflated and it's super skinny. I was already skinny before but now it's pretty bad. I do eat, but most of it gets thrown up. But I live with it. "Lilia!" Ethan yells. "What?" I say snapping out of my thoughts. "It's your turn," he hands me the dice. "Oh," I grab them and roll. "Yeah!!" Grayson yells. "What?" I ask. "We just won!" "Oh... yay!!" We clean up the game and Grayson walks up to me. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Hey, we had a deal." I think back to a few days ago. "Ok. Fine. I've just been thinking about how I've lost so much weight because I can't really eat anything. It makes me feel like I'm going to die soon. Also, I've gotten more headaches and... I'm upset that I can't read or write." He gives me a sympathetic smile and gets down to my level. "It's going to be ok, and I know how you feel. It's hard for me to read too with my dyslexia. But I don't let it get to me. And I know that you won't let it get to you either," he says. "Thanks Gray," I smile. It's nice to hear that someone else has gone through the same things you have gone through. The day goes by like all the others and before we know it it's time for dinner. It stops raining for a moment and we decide to go out to eat. We go to this cute little dinner and order. We eat and as we are heading home it starts to rain. "Ahhh!" I yell. Grayson runs up behind me and starts pushing my wheelchair super fast towards the house. The rest of the family is running behind us. "It's so cold!" Kylie yells. We get inside and we are all soaked. We look at each other and start to laugh. I go upstairs with Kylie and get changed into my tank top and shorts I brought. "Hey Kylie." "Yeah?" "Could you get Gray?" I ask. "Uh, yeah," she says. After a minute or two he walks in with Kylie. "Could you help me?" I ask pointing to the window sill. "You want to sit on it?" He asks. I nod my head. "I want to look at the rain and the city," I say. "Ok then," he says lifting me out of my chair and onto the sill. "Thanks." "No problem." He leaves the room and I look out the window. I see cars quickly passing by and people running through the streets trying to get shelter from the rain. Everything is just moving so fast. I wish I could slow time down. Make it so I had more time left. More time with my family and more time to live. Not just live, but experience. Experience the world. See everything I never got to see. Taste everything I never got to taste. Hear everything I never got to hear. Smell everything I never got to smell. And touch everything I never got to touch. I wish I could slow time down so I could have enough time to have a family of my own. I'll never get to see little kids running around my house. I'll never get to taste my husband's gross meals that he makes for me. I'll never get to hear my children's laughter as I chase them around the house. I'll never get to smell the roses my husband gives me on our anniversary. And I'll never get to touch my children just as they are born. I'll never ever get that. I hear the click of a camera and I turn to see Kylie standing there with her phone. "I'm sorry. You just looked like you were in deep thought so I didn't want to ask if I could take a picture. You just look so beautiful I had to," she says. I smile at her. I love her so much. He stupid little quirks and her kindness is contagious. I'm really going to miss it. "It's ok," I laugh. "I quickly put a filter on it and it looks stunning," she smiles. "Let me see it." She walks over and shows me the picture.

" She walks over and shows me the picture

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"Wow," I say. "I know! You are so gorgeous!" She yells. I was actually saying wow because my arm looks like a twig, but sure. (A/N this is a painting not a real person so I'm not making fun of anyone. Also all bodies are beautiful I'm just trying to emphasize how she feels. Anyways yeah, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! 💜 ok you can read now) "Thanks," I tell her. "Post it in your insta right now you sexy beast!" She yells. "Jesus Christ ok," I laugh. I post it with the caption 'time moves fast, so make the most of it'. Kylie helps me down from the sill and we go to bed.

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