Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
*Grayson's POV*
"Can we go back in now?" I ask the doctor. "She says she wants to be alone for awhile. I would give her some time. She has a lot to think about." "Great," I sigh. "Hey, give her time," Ethan says. "I just want to talk to her! She doesn't have much time left and I want to spend every second left with her!" "Gray," Kylie says, "calm down. We are all sad, frustrated, angry, and confused. But we just need to give her some time. I want to see my best friend just as much as you want to see your sister. But we have to wait." "I know, I know," I sigh. My mom walks over to me and gives me a hug. "It's ok honey." I squeeze her, "I don't want her to die." "None one does. But things happen for a reason. There is obviously a reason this is happening, we just can't see the full picture yet," she whispers in my ear. "Thanks mom," I sniffle. Kylie starts to tear up and so does Ethan. I go over and hug them both. I look up at them. "Lilia says she would rather live only a short time outside doing things, than live a long time cooped up in this hospital.... so let's make this the best time of her life." Ethan and Kylie smile at me and nod their heads. "Mom?" I ask. "Yeah," she replies. "Can the three of us miss the next month or so of school?" "WHAT?!?"

*Lilia's POV*
I hand the letters to my nurse. "I know this is cliché, but could you give this to my family when I die?" "Oh, um, of course," she replies. "Thank you so much," I smile. She opens the door, leaves the room, and takes the letters with her. "You guys can come in now," I say to them. They all walk in the room and smile at me. "Hey honey," Mom says. "Hey mom," I smile. "How are you feeling?" "Good," I lie. My head hurts like a bitch and I feel like I'm going to puke. But I'm not going to tell them that. Grayson looks at me from behind my mom and makes the 'tell the truth face'. How does he always know when I'm lying? "That's good. Now sweetie, are you sure you don't want to get this surgery. This is a big decision and I think you should think it over." "Mom... everyone, I've thought about it for awhile. Ever since the day I got fostered, well more like adopted, into your family... I knew that I had found my forever family. I knew that you guys were the family I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and this includes you too Kylie. So I'm ok with dying. Also, I would rather have one month left of life left doing stuff and having fun, than have one year left and spend it in a boring hospital. And you guys can't change my mind no matter how much you want to." "Ok, if you are sure." Am I sure? I mean, dying is a concept I'm quite familiar with. I thought my dad was going to kill me on multiple occasions. I thought Nate was going to kill me. And I thought that the coma was going to kill me. But now knowing that this will definitely kill me... honestly is scary. But I know that it will be ok. My family will be there with me up until the end. And I know that I will see them once the end has come. Eventually, I'll see them again. So yeah, "I'm sure."

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