Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

The next night I found myself in the front of my new school. The halls were filled with a commotion of people and parents. Orientation. One final sign to prove that summer really was over and so was our middle school experience. High school was about to begin. I took my first steps into my new school and looked around in awe. I listened to the announcer over the intercom.

"All freshman students report to the gym for our orientation meeting!" The voice said. I followed to crowd of people threw the overcrowded hallway. After getting impatient I started to maneuver and shove my way though. After getting about midway through the crowd I bumped into a familiar face.

"Liam!" I said and he turned to look. His bright eyes glowed a greenish blue color and his light brown hair was in a messy look. He smiled at me.

"Hey Addi. Were you the one shoving me?" He asked with a chuckled. I blushed a pinkish red color and looked down before saying yes. "So la-" He was interrupted by the loud sound of a screeching microphone. We both covered our ears with our hands as we entered the gym. Right as I came into visibility my friends motioned me over.

"Come on." I told Liam before grabbing his arm and leading him over to them. Right as I got over to them Vanessa got up and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"Addison!" She yelled.

"Hey Vanessa. Guys this is Liam Dunbar he moved here like a week ago." I said and sat down next to Nessa as Mason and Garrett began to talk to Liam.

"He's cute." She whispered to me before I shot her a glance. My eyes shot over to him before refocusing on her. "Not for me, for you! Anyways Garrett's my type.... Why can't he just break up with Violet yet?" She whined. The thing is Nessa has been best friends with Garrett for years now. They told each other everything and she always liked him more than that but he is way to clueless to see that. So about a year ago Garrett and Violet became a thing, which crushed Nessa.... Garrett and I have been on each others throats ever since.

"So what's new on that topic?" I asked. Right as she was going to answer the announcer started to speak.

"Everyone take your seats!" The principle said. Liam returned to me side and sat. We exchanged a quick smile before listening to what he had to say.

"As you all know your first day attending Beacon Hill's high school begins in a matter of days. So to get you ready for your next 4 years here we give you tonight to get used to roaming these hallways. When I am done with the rules of our school you will be given your schedule and will have free access to roam the school at your leisure. Let's begin." Halfway through the rules I started to get impatient and fidgety.

"Oh my God." I mumbled and sighed. Liam and Nessa let out a small laugh. "What? We get the point, move on!" I whispered.

After it was all finally over I walked outside with everyone and stood on the sidewalk. Garrett and Violet left immediately, along with Mason, which left just Liam, Nessa, and I. I watched as Liam's mom pulled up and wave at us. I waved at her quickly. She was so nice! I haven't got a chance to meet his stepdad yet though. The night we were going to have dinner he got called into work.

"Well bye guys. Nice meeting you Nessa! I'll see ya later Addi." He said quickly. I smiled and said goodbye. We watch him walk over to his mom's car and wave for a final time. I smiled and waved back before turning to Nessie.

"Garrett. Explain. Now." I said.

"Liam. Explain. Now." She mimicked.

"Unlike you there's nothing to explain." I said.

"Mhm? Bullshit. Spill!" She said and patiently waited. I thought for a second.

"What? He moved in across the street a few days ago and we're just friends. Now spill!" I said.

"I don't know. Garrett has been weird lately..... Like really weird. He never keep things from me but lately he has. Last week I was at his house and his phone light up with a message from a weird contact name called The Benefactor.... I was going to ask him about it but when I did he changed the subject...." She said. The Benefactor? The name ran through my head as we continued to talk. Not to long after Nessa's mom showed up and offered me a ride home, that I gladly excepted since my parents left right after the meeting. I sat in the backseat of their car in silence. I watched my phone light up quickly with a text message. I unlock my screen and looked at the text. It was from an unknown number.

From: 925-343-0821

Stay out of the unknown. Turn back and give up or you'll be added to our list too. We'll be watching.

I stared at the message and gulped hard. I felt a sudden stop in movement and realized we were at my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I said and got out. I looked around my yard before running in. I was paranoid for the next few hours, constantly feeling watched. After a couple hours of tv I decided to call it a night..... Too bad I couldn't sleep at all.....

Finally on Monday school began. I got dressed in my black leggings and white tank that had the phases of the moon on it. I threw a black leather jacket but it was only a 3 quarter length sleeve. I left my hair down and threw my California Republic hat on. I ran down the steps and grabbed some breakfast before telling my parents bye. I ran outside and waited at the end of the block with my phone in hand and earbuds in. I watched as Liam approached, backpack slung around his shoulder, and lacrosse stick in hand.

"Hey." He said nervously. I smiled at him.

"Hey. Nervous for try outs?" He nodded and I smiled. "Hey you got this. I've seen you play in your yard and you look like first line material. I'll be there watching and cheering you on." I said trying to make him feel better. He smiled back at me and in no time the school bus rolled up. I walked onto the school bus and took an empty seat. Liam followed right behind me and sat next to me. Soon all of our friends joined us on the bus.

All school was that day was rules and syllabuses. After it was over all the lacrosse players rushed to the locker room and I went out to the fields. I took seat on the bleachers and waited. Liam was one of the first out and came to talk to me.

"Hey...." He said.

"Hi. You'll do great, I know it." I said and smiled. He gave me a look that told me he was nervous. I watched as he bit his lip. I don't know what came over me put I stood up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You got this. Now go kick some ass." I said. I smiled to myself as he blushed quickly and nodded before running out to practice with Garrett. Garrett shot me a glare before talking to Liam. I watched as Coach Finstock ran out to officially begin try outs.

The first thing they did was run laps. Liam was the first one to finish and I watched as he did push ups afterwards. After that they lined up to take shots. I watched as Liam made every goal. I cheered for him and smiled. I watched him glance up at me a few times with the proudest smile ever. Gosh he was so cute. We're just friends though. I can't risk having another boy sweep me off my feet. I watched as 2 on 1 began. Scott and Stiles, 2 juniors, played defense. The first 2 people go at them with little success but now Liam was up. He easily maneuvered through them to make the goal. I stood up and cheered.

"Way to go Liam!" I yelled. I listened and heard over yelling too.

"DO OVER!" A upper-class girl yelled. "THAT WAS LUCK!"

"Sorry Hun but it doesn't work like that." Coach said.

"10 Bucks on Stiles and Scott." She said.

"Ill take that action! Liam get back in there!" He yelled. I watched as Liam easily passed Stiles but when he got to Scott he was thrown over and crashed to the ground. I gasped at his landing. It looked like his ankle had completely twisted.... I watched as he tried to make an effort to get up but failed. Scott and Stiles helped him up and rushed him to the nurse. I followed them there and waiting on the steps for what seemed like forever and soon after I had sat down another girl made her way over, obviously waiting for Scott or Stiles. I remember her sitting next to the girl who yelled for a do over. I sighed and waited. Scott came out and I shot him a glare before removing myself to give them some space. I eavesdropped a little bit but once I heard the word hospital I felt sick.....


Chapter 2 guys! Hope ya like it! Please vote, comment, and follow! Love ya all!


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