Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15:

I laid awake in our tent as Liam slept around me. Suddenly I realized Nessa hadn't returned yet. I stood up carefully and made my way out of the tent, making sure not to wake Liam. I looked around and saw no one was around. It was only around midnight so everyone else is probably just hanging out around the area. I walked around and texted Nessa's phone with no reply. I must have wandered to far because I had lost track of where I was. I didn't want to admit to myself that I was lost until I heard a stick crack behind me. I looked around in a panic quickly but saw nothing.

"Liam?" I shouted but there was no answer. I gasped as I heard a gun barrel cock. I felt the end pressed against the back of my head.

"Show us where the others are and we wont touch you or your little monster." I shook as I tried to remember the voice. It seemed so familiar....

"H-he's not a mo-nster." I said. A tear fell down my face as he spoke again.

"I guess I could kill you right now and take the 2 million." He said.

"T-Two million?" I asked in pure horror.

"Yes, 2 million. Someone wants you dead pretty bad because if you ask me, you're worthless." More tears fell down my cheek as I realized I was going to die. I braced myself as I listened to his hand move to the trigger. "WHERE ARE THEM?" He demanded me to tell him. Suddenly the gun dropped and 2 blue glowing eyes stared at me. A face came into view and I had no idea who it was. Their eyes we're crazed as she looked at me. I listened to hear howl and stare at me before circling me.

"Liam!" I yelled in panic and suddenly the she wolf slammed into my knocking me off my feet. I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle as she howled. I grabbed my ankle and watched as she ran off into the woods. Liam ran up and knee slid over to me. He took my hands off my ankle and looked at it. "It's just a sprain." I whispered.

"What the hell were you thinking? Just  leaving like that???? You could've been killed!" He yelled at me, showing the anger in his eyes. "How stupid are you?" His eyes turned yellow. "You don't realize how much it would effect others, effect me, if you died! My life would turn into a living hell! God just think for once in your life! I'm almost sick off always having to save you." He eyes weren't fading. His rage built and his fangs showed. I scooted away from him and buried my face in my hands. He gave himself a moment to calm down while I got up. I felt a sharp pain in my ankle but walked on it anyways. He watched as I limped away. "Addison the camps that way." He said in a frustrated voice.

"I'm finding my friend. I need space anyways...." I whispered and walked to the nearest clearing. Scott always said that when he wasn't in control he went to Allison.... So the first thing I should do is find Garrett. I called his cell really quick and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" He asked in a annoyed voice.

"Have you seen Nessa?" I asked as I neared his house.

"Yea.... She's safe." He said and I looked up and into his room. They we're sitting on his bed cuddling, holding hands.

"Good, I have to go." I said and hung up. I watched as he kissed her forehead and treated her like a princess, exactly the way he should. I sighed and gave one final look before shoving my hands into the pockets of my sweatshirt. I could still feel the pain in my ankle as I hobbled back to where our camp was set up. I slipped into our tent and saw Liam wasn't there. I stared at his empty place as I got in and laid down.

I screamed as the smoke filled my lungs. It was on fire, everything was on fire. I felt it slowly get harder to breathe as the air became smokey. I could barely see. I heard the door open and shut and someone cry my name. I was trapped in there, I was dying. I was the last one left in this burning building and I was becoming dizzy.

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