Chapter 23:

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Chapter 23:

I woke up early the next morning and slipped into a skater dress. I threw a maroon colored leather jacket over it and applied eyeliner. My hair was in waves like always and I slipped on my compass necklace. My black combat boots compliment the outfit perfectly. I sighed at the lack of emotion on my face today. I was tired and crabby and wanted to get today over with. I ran down the steps to grab breakfast when my mom yelled at me from her room.

"Addi, don't forget we're leaving around 5 to go to San Francisco!" She said as I grabbed a bagel.

"Kay Mom!" I yelled back at her as I spread cream cheese onto it. I took a quick bite before walking to school. I finished eating on the way there and tried to remain optimistic about the move. I walked into school with confidence and a smile on my face. I walked straight over to my locker and opened it in seconds. I shoved my bag into the small amount of space and pulled out my notebook, as usual. I moved outside to a table that remained in the front of the school and wrote. My writing has been off lately with all the change in emotion, but today it seemed to just flow.I didn't even process what I had written until it was done.

Blue and Green hide the golden glow,
Fangs and Claws never seem to show,
Mind still thinks like your average boy,
Yet I'm played with like a toy.

When I needed you who was there?
I was broken, torn, and in despair.
You're not a monster but my love,
But the lies you told messed it up.

I looked at the parking lot and there he stood. A smile curved upon my face before I looked away. I took a deep breath and removed myself from the courtyard. The school seemed quiet as I entered. Something was wrong.... I glanced around and saw a few people just chatting but where was everyone? I looked frantically and ran through the halls while hugging my books tightly against my chest. I turned corners and looked in every direction possible but when I looked behind me there was a shadow. My eyes widened and I ran faster turning one last corner before colliding with another body and snapping out of my little trace. I dropped all my things as I collided with Liam and looked around to see everyone staring. I turned to see Liam looking at me with concern. I dropped to my knees, collected my things and ran to the girls bathroom, locking the doors behind me. I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. Tears stained my shirt as I hugged my knees to my body. I heard a knock and Liam's voice from the other side of the door. I let out cries and whimpers as he tried to comfort me.

"Addison? Please.... Open the door." He said and hit the door. "Hey just listen to me, the sound of my voice. You were there every time I thought I was a monster, it's my turn to be here for you now." He said. I shook my head and cried harder.

"Freak..." I whispered, letting the word escape my mouth. It rolled of my tongue in such a familiar way. I let tortured wail before hearing a crash. My head shot over to where the door had been and saw Liam. He ran in and knelt down in front of me. His head shaking back and forth as he stared at me.

"No..." He whispered and placed a hand on my cheek. He place a light, feathery kiss on my forehead. I buried my head into my knees and cried. "Addison please look at me." I barely glanced up but I could see his eyes glowing a bright yellow. He blinked a few times, letting his eyes return to normal before picking up my notebook from the floor. My falling tear drops had smeared the page but he looked at it intently. "Is this how you feel?" He asked. "That I-"

"Liam...." I grabbed his hand. He sighed before leaning forward and closing the space in between us. I felt him pull away. "Can we just take an 'us' day. Skip school, leave the world behind, one last time?" He smiled and helped me up. We snuck out of the school and into the woods. Liam lead me to our usual meeting place and sat down with me. It was nice to just lay there with him. We were silent for the longest time before he spoke.

"You're really leaving then?" He asked.

"Yea..... After this semester ends I'll be gone. We look at houses tonight and tomorrow." I said. I turned on my side and stared at him. I looked at him for a moment before placing my hand on his cheek and kissing him. Our kiss was true, pure love, and nothing could ever take it from us, I felt Liam abruptly pull away and look around. He stood up and I did the same.

"Get behind me." He demanded and I did what was told. I felt one of his hands grab mine and hold it firmly. I watched as a shadow emerge from the trees and Peter Hale step out. I peered at him from behind Liam and listened to his evil laugh.

"We meet again." He spoke directly to me. I hid completely behind Liam now.

"Don't speak to her." Liam growled and glared at him.

"Hush now were-puppy, I'm here not to harm, but to warn the poor girl." Peter spoke. I stepped out from behind Liam and glared at Peter, waiting for an explanations. "Clearly I'm unwelcome here so I will leave, but be careful what you do tonight." He said and backed up into the woods. What could happen tonight?

It was 4:30 by the time I left Liam. I wished him good luck and walked into my home. My mother was in the kitchen and my father was in the living room watching tv. I greeted them both before running upstairs and grabbing all my essentials for the weekend. I ran down the steps to find my parents loading the car with suitcases and bags. I let out a quick sigh before climbing into the backseat. I grabbed my phone and plugged my earbuds in. I scrolled though the songs before clicking on If These Sheets Were The States by All Time Low. I watched as both my parents got into the vehicle and proceeded to talk as we left the house. I looked out the window as we made our way to the outskirts of town and something felt wrong. I looked out at the reserve and saw a shadow. I tried blinking it away but couldn't seem to do it. Suddenly I felt something ram into the other side of the vehicle, sending our car flying off the road into the ditch below and rolling a little before stopping. The car was completely upside-down and my seat belt was hanging me there. I groaned in pain and whimpered for the longest time before noticing my parents were unconscious in front. I tried saying their names but felt myself growing weak. I hit the seat belt buckle and fell down onto the pile of glass from our broken windshield and windows. I looked out and saw a berseeker coming straight for our car. I tried to move away, but my body failed me. It ripped the car door completely off and pulled my out, carrying me away from the scene. I fought as much as I could before letting out a final scream and feeling a familiar dizzy feeling. I felt myself being dropped to the ground and blacking out from there.....


Chapter 23! Sorry if its awful or short! I know its been forever and I'm so sorry! Thank you for 17.5K and thanks for being patient! 2 chapters left and I nominated this story for the Watty awards! I really hope you like it and understand that Im super busy rn! I'm going to update the last 2 chapters hopefully in the next few weeks! Love ya all!


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