Chapter 19:

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Chapter 19:

I felt my hands slip a little more as Liam panicked. Finally he decided to just climb down and see if he could get to me. By now I was bawling and losing my grip. I screamed as one of my hands fell off. I looked down and started to cry harder. I saw Liam about 5 feet away and reaching down. He looked at me nervously as he cautiously climbed down. I was holding the end off the root now and hung on with everything I could. I heard a quick snap and saw the root was being pulled out. I cried and screamed as it broke. I felt myself falling for not even a second. Liam had caught my hand just in time. He pulled me up far enough to wrap my arms around his neck and hang on. I cried as he climbed back up and laid me down on the ground. He inspected me quickly for any sign of injuries before leaning down and kissing me. His hands were placed on both side of my head as support. I kissed back, unable to resist our undying love. I would always love him, always. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and smiled. I felt him pull away and lay down next to me. The sky was clear and the stars shined brightly down on up. They seemed to have an extra twinkle today.

"Addison? Why did you insist on us breaking up when I can't live without you?" He asked while wrapping his arm around me and pulled me close. "If I'm not in your life whose going to save you?"

"I thought you were sick of saving me." I said and looked at him. He kissed my forehead.

"I have too, it's my job. It's my job to make sure you're safe, warm, happy, healthy, and feeling loved every second of the day." He said. "And lately I've done a shitty job."

"Why is it you're job though?" I asked and stared at him. We're both way to attached to each other now to say goodbye.

"Because I have to be the hero, I have to be your hero. You always said 'I'm not a monster' or 'You'll always be my hero'. Addison, I want to be your hero." He said. "No one else's, all yours." He added. I cuddled up to him.

"And you always will be." I whispered and shut my eyes. I felt him place a soft kiss on my lips before hearing the sound of his soft snores. A smile curled upon my lips before falling asleep myself.

I awoke in the tent with Liam. His eyes were wide awake and wanting for mine to open. He gave me a morning kiss, making me blush. I hugged him tightly. A felt a frown on my face. I was still leaving, I was still going to hurt him..... I cuddled into his chest and yawned.

"Morning." He whispered in my ear. I felt him start to get up. Me being the lazy person I am, I lifted my arms up, asking for him to caring me. I heard him laugh and lift me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style. I kissed Liam's neck as he cradled me in his arms. He chuckled once again and told the others he would be back later. I closed my eyes as he walked through the woods with me in his arms. "You're so tired." He said in a baby voice and chuckled. "It's cute." He added. I opened my eyes and giggled at him before letting out a tired yawn. "Why are you so tired?" He questioned.

"I haven't slept much since our break up." I mumbled and shut my eyes again.

"Just get some rest, sweetheart." I fell half sleep as he continued on. I wasn't asleep but I was nearly there. I listened to a doorbell and my mom's voice.

"Liam!" She said and smiled. "How are you?"

"Um.... Pretty good." I stirred a little bit in his arms. "She's pretty tired." He said, talking about me. I felt Liam walk up some steps and laid me carefully down on my bed. I whimpered as the warmth of his body went away.

"So how is she?" My mom asked. I heard Liam sigh and felt as he sat next to me.

"She's been having a tough time at school again.... I'm just scared because I can't save her anymore, once you guys move I mean..... I can barely save her now.... We're just friends, her and I. She broke up with me to save the pain later on, but I hate it, the separation, the lying, the secrets. She won't let me help, she won't let me in anymore. I just miss her." He said. "She was the first person to not see me as a monster, to accept me the same way I accept her, she was my first love, my only love. I hope you don't mind me saying this Mrs. Chamberlin, but I am indeed in love with you daughter. I love her smile, her innocent look, her personally, and I love that she's different. I love her...." I peeked my eyes open and saw him look at her with sadness in his eyes. "Well I better go." I grabbed his hand as he got up.

"Don't go." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. He gave me a sorry look before looking at my mom.

"It's fine Liam, please stay." She said and looked at me sadly. Nothing is going to change their mind, nothing. I felt Liam lay down with me and I cuddled closer to him. I closed my eyes again and cuddled close, inhaling the strong scent of his cologne. I looked at him and kissed his cheek.

"Liam, you know why I did it. I love you, I love you more than life itself, but I can't hurt you like that. The point of my breaking up with you is so that you could move on. So it hurts less in the long run." I said.

"Addison Rosalie Chamberlin, I am in love with you, and there is absolutely no way you're getting rid of me now. We're in this together, I'm not giving up." He said and pulled me close. "I love you." He said with a shaky voice. I loved him too, but I can't put him through that much hell. It's not far to him. I cuddled into him and just laid there. I watched as he looked at me and slipped out of my grip. "I should go." He said and just looked at me. I wanted to say something but couldn't, nothing would come out.

The next day I sat at the table with my parents, eating a family meal in silence. I twisted my spaghetti around with my fork before sighing. I threw a bite in my mouth and swallow before repeating my annoying routine. I could tell both my parents were acting strange as we sat there. The silence still filled the room as they exchanged looks. I looked back and forth between them quickly before looking out the window towards Liam's house. I sighed and twirled my fork around some more.

"Okay you haven't spoke all day, what is it?" My mom asked. I just shrugged it off and continued to play with my food. "Is it Liam?" She asked, making me cringe at his name. "Addison, you can't shut us out forever."

"That did stop you guys from trying...." I mumbled as I shoved my mouth with food.

"What?" My dad asked in shock that I would say such a thing.

"It's just nice having someone here for me and cares about my problems once in a while." They looked at me with confusion. "When Andrew was alive I was just the 2nd child, nothing special, and when he died you guys blamed me. You wished it had been me who drown, not him. You sent me away, went on even more business trips, I was still nothing special. At least with him he cares, he shows he cares. I finally have people who care about me in my life and you want me to leave it all. You want me to be the new girl, the freak again." I said before getting up from my spot and leaving the table. We haven't mentioned Andrew in forever, its almost if he's disappeared in our own family. We all remember him but he's not here anymore. I sat on my laptop and went threw pictures. There were so many of Liam and I but after going back a while I can across one of Andrew and I. We were at out favorite park, running around together. I missed those days, I miss him. I've only met 2 people in this world that truly understand me and I've already lost one, just a few more weeks before I lose the other.....


Chapter 19!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only 6 chapters left!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh! 52 reads away from 8K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's insane! Btw I am writing a 5sos fanfic on maddiehayes621's account with her (Links here----> Please check it out! Love ya!


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