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Amaru "Leo" Crooks. (IN MM W/ OUR GOOD SIS SYM)

"Put your blunt out. We're here." Sym announced.

I looked outside to see a clinic. Being that it's so early, no one was really going in and out.

"Why are we here?"

"Before we go to the trip, I want us to get tested."


She stepped out of the drivers side of my ride before pulling her sleeves down to expose her shoulders.

Her skin looks glowy and youthful. According to her its this stuff that she made by herself.

"Come on in, this'll be fun."

"It's not fun to be tested."

"Just come on." We walked inside the empty and quiet clinic.

While I sat down Sym went to the front desk grabbing two clipboards. She filled hers out as I filled mine out.

"You almost finished?"

"Since you gave me head, should I call myself sexually active?"

"Yes. Me giving you oral could've exposed you to Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis, Herpes, HPV, and HIV. HIV is the lowest chance of you contracting anything, it hasn't been studied well though."

"Check." I chuckled.

She laughed a little, taking my clipboard up front to the lady. The lady gave me a small smile that I returned.

"That lady seems nice."

"She is. She's my gynecologist."


"She volunteers here as a receptionist."

"Ms. Peterson and Mr. Crooks." A young lady announced.

Symphoni held my hand leading us to his office. "What brings you two here today?"

"STD testing. We've decided to become sexually active."

"Have you two had any form of sex?"

"I've given oral."

"And you're aware of a possible transmission if you have an STD."

"I am." She nodded confidently.

"Good. You two had any odd symptoms? Even though there aren't any direct symptoms of many STD's, some claim things such as discharge, warts, itching, burning when urinating."

"No ma'am."

"You, Mr. Crooks? You've been very quiet." She said.

"No. I'm just chilling."

"Glad to hear that. We're gonna start with an HIV test. The doctor will orchestrate that. Excuse me." She excused herself finally leaving.

"Who wants to go first?" The doctor asked as soon as he entered.

"I will." Symphoni offered.

He walked over to her with a cotton swab in his hand.

"Mr. Crooks-"

"Please just call me Amaru."

"Amaru, we're gonna swab the inside of her cheeks to ensure she doesn't have HIV. These tests give the quickest results so you won't have to wait so long."

"Aight. Go ahead." Swabbing her mouth, it didn't take long for him to put it in a container.

His nurse entered giving me a warm smile before leaving. Afterwards, he swabbed me and the same happened.

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