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Symphoni "Sym" Peterson. (AMARU IN MM)

"Ms. Peterson, I have some bad news. You're HIV positive."

"What can we do to fix it?"

"Symphoni! You've been having sex? Unprotected?" My mom snapped, taking my attention away from Doctor Hall.

This is exactly what I get for allowing her to stay in this room with me.

"Mom, I'll explain later."

"Fine." She said looking away.

"Dr. Hall, can you continue?"

"We're gonna put you on some medication. Your viral load is at 16,000 so we're prescribing you a medication. Seeing as your immune system is deteriorating we're gonna try to get your viral load under control by a month. Remember, there is no cure for HIV."

"Thank you."

"I'll be right back with your discharge papers and prescription. You can pick it up at Rite Aid."

"Yes sir." He exited the room leaving my mom and I.

The disappointment she wore on her face made me feel even worse. Even though I was raped and I did nothing wrong she doesn't know that.

"Hey, um, mom?"

"Who was he? When did this all happen? I've always told you to use protection."

"It's not like that, Mom. I was raped." Her eyes slowly filled with tears. Revisiting that night every night in my nightmares hasn't made anything better. "Three men raped me."

With widened eyes she pulled my body into hers, crying. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared and you seem so in love."

"Huh?" I sniffled thinking of how she's respond if I tell her. After a few minutes of quietness she shook my body softly. "Tell me."

"Your husband... he raped me."

"Who else?"

"Jackie's uncle."

"Shit." She murmured holding me tightly for a few more seconds. "I need to go smoke. I'll be right back."

"I think we should take a break." I wiped the tiredness from my eyes with my hand.

"Excuse you?"

"I can't focus on this relationship."

"So you're just giving up, huh?" I chuckled bitterly looking outside.

Through the windshield I saw the rain that poured down. It represents my emotions on a daily.

"Not necessarily. I've got some things I need to figure out."

"Amaru, why are you doing this when I need you the most?"

"Promise me you'll be okay without me?" I took his hand in mine raising it up to my lips. Kissing it softly, I pulled away looking into his eyes.

He leaned towards me. I got the message doing the same. I kissed his lips feeling tears fall from my eyes.

I felt his warm thumbs hooking onto my sweatpants. "Babe..." I pulled away from the kiss, looking over his face.

"Come on." I allowed him to slide my sweatpants off and my panties.

We made love outside the airport, me with my mouth ajar as I rocked my hips. Towards the end of our love making Amaru pulled out ending his business on a nearby napkin.

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