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Amaru "Leo" Peterson. (IN MM)

Feeling light pecks on my lips, I pushed Sym off already knowing it was her.

"Babe! It's time to get up."

"What time is it?" I opened one eye looking around the room.

"2 o'clock. Now get up so I can call these people to change our sheets."

"Is that weed I smell?"

"Yep." She said in a childish voice, exhaling smoke from her nose.

"How did you get that?"

"Dakota's connects, now get up. We're going out to the beach." She pecked my lips before standing back to show me her bathing suit.

"You like?"

She wore a pale blue two piece suit and sandals to match. I had bought both the day before.

"Yeah. Where's your coverup?"

"I didn't like yours since it shows no skin, so I got this mesh skirt."

"Where's the top?"

"That's the thing." She smiled. "There is none."

"Move, I've gotta piss."

She followed me into the bathroom sitting on the counter as I washed and brushed my teeth, staying inside the bathroom for awhile.

Her phone rang, making her leave me in the bathroom.

I continued to shower a few more minutes getting out afterwards. Walking back into our bedroom, I was relieved to see our sheets replaced.

"They came?"

"Yeah. You ready?" Her eyes changed colors as she avoided my eye.

"Who was that?"

"Who was what?" She played dumb slipping her cover up on. "That's what you're wearing?"

All I wore for now was a pair of pants pulled down a little to show my underwear. (In MM)

"So we're just gonna ignore my question like that? Aight... I'll shut all this shit down. Don't play with me."

"It was my doctor. He called to tell me my files have been stolen in the main laboratory and there's been a case opened."

"How much is jail time?"

"Up to 10 years. If this is a first time offender and they have a good lawyer, they might have to pay a fine and then be done with it. It's always something, I swear."

She laid back in our bed staring at the wall showing no emotion whatsoever.

"You aren't sad?"

"My profession is speaking out against it, so no, not really. I'm more so annoyed. Like, what the fuck?"

"Somebody knows your entire medical history. That's more powerful than your financial statement."

"It is. But I really don't care."

"Yes you do."

"No i don't." She reiterated with more bass in her voice.

Sliding in bed with her, I pulled her into my bare chest. She toyed with my chain. "This is my favorite chain of yours."

"I can buy you one if you want, cuz you ain't wearing my shit."

Popping my chest, she couldn't fight her smile that formed.

"I can make you do anything I want. I have the power, you don't."

"What power you got?"

"You know what I have. Get up, let's go. I wanna get some sun and come back looking like a melanin goddess."

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