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Symphoni Peterson. (IN MM)

I rolled over expecting Amaru to be there only to have to cling to our sheets for dear life to prevent myself from falling.

Cursing at myself mentally for being so careless, I got out of bed slipping into my slides.

My phone read 4:27AM. My thoughts ran a mile the more I seen the minutes go by. Snapping out of my staring, I wiped my tears away following his loud rap music.

Inside a room I haven't ever thought of going to before Amaru smoked a blunt and drank religiously from a clear glass. Knocking to make my presence known, I took his attention from his paper.

"What you doing up?" He asked in a quirky way.

"I couldn't sleep. Mind if I chill with you?"

"Yeah." He nodded. I watched him spray some air freshener before stepping inside his room and taking a seat on his lap.

His cologne clouded my nose as I clung to him like a baby on its mother.

"You okay?"

"A little uncomfortable with my belly." I admitted looking down at it.

Today marks my 19th week of pregnancy and my bump is starting to get in the way of things. I mean of course I can see over it and do regular things, it's just my sleep schedule.

"Well next week we figure out the gender so that should cheer you up. Huh?"

"I'm excited about that and everything, but at the end of the day I can't sleep past 4 hours. An average human my age is supposed to sleep 8 hours. I don't take any naps. I-"

"Chill. You wanna read something I wrote?"

"I guess. What's the title of it?"

"Me And My Girlfriend."

"Is this about me?" I smiled holding my heart.

Amaru spends a lot of time writing to himself. To him it's an escape of our harsh reality.

"Hell no."

"I see how you feel." I made a move to leave out of his harms but he put an end to that holding me tighter.

"It's about my gun. There are some things said that'll make you think I was talking about you."

"Well let me hear something about me. I don't wanna hear about your gun because that isn't you or what you represent as a human being."

"You're right." His hands found their way under my shirt lifting it to the point where my lower area became exposed. "Where are your panties?"

"It's hot as hell being pregnant. I give up on clothes and lotion." I commented, rolling my eyes shortly after.

Amaru looked at me blankly, laughing a little to himself.

"Read your poem." I instructed feeling a little embarrassed at my boldness to tell him something like that.

"I was too immature to understand your ways
Inexperienced back in the days
Caused so many arguments and strays
Now I realize how to treat you, the secret to keep you
Being faithful, 'cause now cheating's lethal
We're closer than the hands of time
Deeper than the drive of mankind
I trust you dearly, I shoot blind
In time I clock figures, droppin' niggas as we rise
We all soldiers in God's eyes
Now it's time for war; never leave me, baby
I'm paranoid, sleepin' with you loaded by my bedside, crazy..." He read, his words flowing like a river.

When he finished he looked up at me expecting me to respond but all I could do was stare.

This man is mine. I'm his. I'm wearing his ring. I'm carrying his child. This is my best friend.

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