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Symphoni "Sym" Peterson.

"How far away are you?"

"I'm about 20 minutes, why?" Amaru asked over the phone.

Holding in the roll of my eyes I sighed. "There was some stuff in my panties and now I'm cramping."

"That's good. How come you don't sound excited?"

"I am, I am. Just hungry."

"I'll be there in a few. Call your midwife."

"Fine. I love you."

"I love you too." He said softly into the phone.

Hanging up I placed my cell phone into my back pocket. Heading upstairs I undressed before getting into bed completely naked.

Having clothes on is irritating my soul. For now I'll play it safe with covers over my body.

A few minutes into my nap a pain went throughout my body leaving as fast as it came. Writing it down and how long it was I sighed.

Amaru's footsteps let me know he was home. He opened the bedroom door knowing I wasn't gonna come to the door, setting my Zaxby's down.

I kissed his lips pulling him down to sit on the bed.

"She's coming?"

"I don't know, but I don't think so. This is probably Braxton Hicks."

"Nah. Have you been timing everything?"

"Yep. Here." He took the piece of paper looking through it for a few minutes.

"What time is it?"

"Shit!" I screamed, holding his hand as a contraction hit. Once I finished I released his hand.

Amaru wrote the stuff down on the piece of paper I'd stolen from him. He's always writing so I've learned where he keeps his stash of paper at.

Afterwards he kicked his shoes off getting into bed with me. Knowing I don't like outside covers in bed, he removed his shirt and sweats.

His arms wrapped tightly around me gave me the comfort I lacked. Reaching over me he grabbed my bag of food opening everything.

My baby fed me my buffalo chicken fingers and fries until I lost my appetite. Finishing my food he continued to time my contractions.

"Sym you still don't believe you're in labor?"

"This is all surreal to me. I never envisioned myself as someone calling me mom. Babe, I'm gonna be someone's mom." I smiled, wiping away tears that fell from my eyes.

Amaru chuckled pulling me into him. I eventually dozed off to sleep.

Opening my eyes a few hours later I tried to hide my uneasiness. Amaru stood over me staring anxiously.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nah, you've been having a few contractions and stuff."

"How far apart and how long?"

"You're two minutes apart now. I called your midwife and doula."

"How'd you-"

"I found their numbers in your purse. Before they get here, I was wondering why you had a condom in your purse."

"Go get the door." I ignored him, hearing my midwife and doula at the door.

"We'll talk about this in a few hours."

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