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Amaru "Leo" Crooks. (SYMPHONI IN MM)

"Where is he?" I looked outside.

Symphoni pulled my head down to her level placing lazy kisses on my lips. "I love you."

"Did you fuck him?"

"Does it look like I had sex to him?" Shaking my head no I didn't protest letting her push me into the house.

She closed the door with her foot and locked it with her hand.

"I read your letter. It was beautiful. I hope you know I forgive you."

"We're kissing... What does this mean for us?"

"What do you want it to mean? We both know what I want."

"What do you want?" I asked staring down into her green orbs.

She gave me a small smile running her fingers along the back of my neck.

"I want to be with you. Amaru, I want to wake up to you everyday, have as many kids as you'd like, and be happy. We deserve to be happy."

"If you'd let me I'll do everything in my power to make that happen."

"Amaru, I want to know how you feel. Times running out." She mumbled pecking my earlobe. I lifted her up around my waist.

Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms were draped on my neck.

I walked us upstairs and set her down on my bed. Going into my drawer I pulled out a stack of letters throwing them into her lap. They were held together by a rubber band.

She unraveled them seeing my handwriting that I'd crossed out over the months.

"Why are you showing me this?" I could see the confusion in her eyes.

"The letter my bunk mate got illegally sent to you was the first letter I was able to complete in prison. You're my rock, Symphoni. You and Amora are my motivation to get out the bed in the morning. Without y'all two I'm sure I'd be in the same situation, if not worse as Zane. Tonight I contemplated going out there and killing every person that's wronged me but thoughts of how you'd react changed my mind. I want everything you're saying and more."

"We promised to be good to each other, Amaru." She said as a few tears fell from her eyes.

I kissed her tears, licking my lips.

She leaned in and I did the same. Our tongues intertwined expressing everything we felt for each other.

"I can't marry you right now. Symphoni the day you become my wife is the day I'm fully here. I mean that in the sense of being in Amora and your life everyday."

"I'll wait if you need me to." She said without a doubt in her voice.

I laughed a little staring into her eyes as I hooked my index fingers on her sweatpants. Pulling them off and throwing them somewhere in the room didn't take long. It also didn't take long for me to remove her shirt and bra.

I didn't care which way they went, all I cared about was loving Symphoni.

"Can I make love to you?"


"I want to explore every part of your body. Sym I need you to know just how beautiful you are inside and out. I don't want you to ever feel like you're not enough because you are. Can I do that for you?"

Nodding her head yes she kissed my lips. Her tongue massaged mine perfectly.

"Lay back right quick. I've got a surprise for you."

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