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/a few months after the sentence/

Turning the lights on Symphoni sat up tiredly. On her nightstand laid the baby monitor. Amora was crying harshly in her bedroom several doors down.

Symphoni managed to get out of bed nevertheless. Now in Amora's bedroom she frowned at how upset her baby was. Since Amaru's 5 year sentence Amora had seemed more upset than usual.

Amora hugged Symphoni's neck tightly after being picked up.

"What's wrong, mama? Mommy can't do anything if you don't tell me." She mumbled as she made her way to the bedroom shared between her and Amaru at one point.

All his things were where he'd left them.

Attempting to sit Amora in the bed, Symphoni sighed when Amora wouldn't let her go.

"Want some apple juice?" Amora shrugged her small shoulders.

"I knew you would."

Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, Symphoni sat Amora on the couch knowing she'd sit there and wait.

During the time she watered down Amora's apple juice, Amora was busy doing her own thing, crawling throughout the living area.

Twisting the sippy cup's cap, Symphoni tasted a bit making sure it didn't taste too much like water.

"Good enough."

Amora was able to get into a place she'd never been in before seeing as she was new to the crawling thing. Smirking in amazement she managed to knock everything down but get something she was fascinated with.

Making her way into the living room, Symphoni was surprised to find Amora gone.

"Amora Faith Crooks, where are you young lady!"

Boom! (I just laughed so hard at this. Sincerely, me editing this😂)

Running to Amora's aid she frowned upon arrival. In Amora's small hand were two envelopes.

Putting Amora on her hip Symphoni handed her the sippy cup. Being that Amora seemed intrigued with her juice Symphoni outstretched her free hand to get the envelope, failing miserably.

"We don't touch things that don't belong to us, baby. Now what's this in your hand?"

"Uhm, uhm." Amora shook her head, pulling her hand back so Symphoni couldn't get to the envelopes.

"Ma'am, you have 5 seconds."

She handed it over. The pout on her face and her glossy eyes let Symphoni know she was upset.

The envelopes in her hand made Symphoni feel bittersweet. Amaru had given them to her on his court date.

"Please don't do this again, Amora. You can get hurt. Mommy doesn't want you hurt."

"Ma-ma." Peeking down at what had Amora's attention Symphoni picked up a folder.

Inside were Amaru's poems. He had done a lot of scribbling and rewriting. "I might have to have you do this for me another time."

Also on the floor was a somewhat thick contract. Ignoring it since it wasn't really her business, Symphoni took Amora upstairs.

Symphoni sat Amora down before opening the envelopes. Her message wasn't as long, whereas Amora's had her wondering what exactly was going through Amaru's head.

Tapping the letter written for her repeatedly, Amora's innocent eyes stared up into her mothers.


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