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"Another one of these young black men. I guess they never learn, huh?"

"What's his condition?" Dr. Graham changed the subject, looking at his nurse awaiting her response.

It seems like everyday whether it's gang related or not his own kind is sitting in the bed.

In his opinion there's no hope coming anytime soon. Men continue to become statistics instead of beating them.

"African American male... maybe in his late 20's or early 30's. Staff says it's gang related."

"Don't listen to them unless police say so."

"I wouldn't even believe that either." Nurse said, handing over the clipboard.

"No one was with him?"

"It's not hard to believe he was alone. I do know a woman came in behind him, leaving shortly after. Police are working on getting her back down here."

"Thanks. I'll speak with him when he wakes up."

"Please do. These men need guidance." She exited the room, leaving Dr. graham alone with the young black man.

Just seeing him laying in the bed with various tubes in his body to keep him breathing saddened him.

Nowadays power kills men.

Miles away Symphoni twisted and turned in bed trying to get comfortable. She had been in and out of sleep since speaking to Amaru.

Thoughts of another woman touching what was hers haunted her. She couldn't fathom Amaru obliging to it either.

She tried to get comfortable. A night terror is what she was currently going through. Unbeknownst to her a light coat of sweat covered her body while she slept.

"Stay still."

"Fine. Just get this over with." Symphoni said not even putting up a fight anymore.

She's tried to fight the men off but there were so many hands that she couldn't concentrate. A mask was over her face to add onto that.

Another woman's screams took her attention away from her body being violated. Her attention span was taken away even more by something hard being knocked upside her head.

Awakening from her sleep Symphoni sat up trying to catch her breath. Her heart beat at a fast pace, increasing as an intense pain shot through her chest.

Even though it was dark in the room she could still tell she was seeing double.

Stepping out of bed with loose legs she left the guest bedroom heading downstairs. This isn't the first panic attack she'd had this pregnancy.

Her violators touches and inappropriate practices become reality every time she closes her eyes. And sometimes that isn't even the case.

Being a Pisces she daydreams a lot.

Symphoni poured some milk into a glass and grabbed some leftover cake she'd made earlier with Amarie. Both women had bonded and even shopped together for Amora. The two together is a situation like old friends hanging out.

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