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Symphoni Peterson. (OUTFIT IN MM)

"Let me go."

"And if I don't?" I turned around giving him a look.

"Try me."

Smacking his teeth, Amaru let me off his lap to open the door.

I had told him about Jackie's murder and he had nothing to say other than when's the funeral, whereas all I could do was holler and moan since we went at least 5 rounds.

Come to think of it, my thighs and legs are sore as hell.

Opening the door, Dakota stood there fully dressed ready to go out. "Y'all are finally done fucking. Congratulations." He clapped.

"How do you know what my man and I have been doing?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You really want to know?"

"You really had your head to our door? Now that's just nasty as shit." Amaru shook his head.

"I wanted to hear what you about. Explains why Carmen is so crazy in the head."

"Forgot all about her." I shook my head, closing the door after Dakota.

"You can sit over there by Amaru." I pointed.

"I'm good. I'm sure y'all bed is contaminated with bodily fluids."

"Suit yourself on our floor."

"I don't trust that either, so I'll just stand."

"Whatever you want to do. I'm gonna go get dressed for the club since everyone else is dressed but me."

"Yeah, you do that." I rolled my eyes before planting a few pecks on Amaru's lips.

Walking on the other side of our bed, I grabbed my most revealing dress.

Amaru "Leo" Crooks.

"You tell her?"

"Do you think I did?" I turned my head to the side.

"I really don't... when you tell her, I had nothing to do with it." He raised his hands in defense.

"She doesn't really care that Jackie is dead, but you never know with people. She could be devastated, just coping with it."

"That girl was her supposed girlfriend for 12 years. I'm sure she's gonna feel some type of way. You killed her."

"I did not. I have an alibi."

"The criminal system loves to tear a successful black man down."

"Shut that deep shit up. All I'm saying is I was in Mexico at the time of her murder. Sym can back that up."

"But first you're gonna have to tell her. Relationships are built on trust and respect."

"I trust and respect her. Which is why I did this."

"You basically sold your soul to the devil to "satisfy" her. No telling if she even wanted the girl dead for real."

"She was your girl. How come you aren't upset?" All Dakota could do was shrug.

"Only thing Jackie and I did was fuck. We weren't serious. If a girl hasn't met your mom, you aren't serious. Which is why I never told her I loved her or respected her for that matter."

"Speaking of moms." I mumbled, playing with my goatee.

"Soja got you. I rather play on his team rather than be on Demp's."

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