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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

He awoke to a bright light being shined in his eyes. He pulled the comforter up over his eyes in an attempt to block out the sunlight only for fabric to be ripped completely off of his body and a hand to firmly grasp his arm and pull him up out of the bed. The action made his slightly dizzy as he struggled to balance himself upright and rub the sleep out of his eyes. Before him stood a man in a blue long sleeve button up shirt with black pants and some kind of hat with a design he had never seen before. The man was flashing him in the eyes with a light on a stick while his mouth ran a mile a minute saying words that he couldn't possibly understand even if he were able to hear them. The man seemed to grow more and more agitated at how unresponsive he was, and while he wasn't afraid of the man at all he really didn't like confrontation and would rather avoid a fight if he could. Still half asleep and unable to understand what was happening or who the man was, he began to lazily speak and sign.

He knew that the man before him had no idea what he was saying, but seemed to come to the realization that he couldn't understand him either the more that he spoke. The more alert he became, the faster he began to sign to the man in the hat, and Hat Man's face scrunched up in confusion before completely relaxing and releasing most of the aggression that was previously held in his expression. Hat Man stopped attempting to speak to him and instead gently grabbed his arm and gestured in the direction of the doorway before pulling him lightly away from the bed. He had nowhere else to go but with this man, and so he went without hesitation or speculation into the motives of the man. The man led him to a black and white car with lights on top that was parked in front of the decaying house and gently pushed him into the back seat. There was a grate separating the backseat from the front, but he could see when Hat Man climbed into the driver's seat, and a larger man he hadn't noticed before climbed into the passenger side.

Since his sleep was interrupted, he decided that he would try and catch some more as Hat Man began to drive to an unknown destination. This seemed to surprise the man when they finally arrived at their destination and he had to shake him awake once again. He was quicker to wake up this time and much less disoriented as his nap was much shorter in the car. Hat Man gently grabbed his arm once again and led him through the doors of a building he could finally recognize; a police station. He had never been to a police station before, but he has read about them in one of his mother's many books. This station seemed to mesh perfectly with what had been described; the messy desks interspersed between bustling bodies who rush to answer phones that must be ringing off the hook, although he couldn't hear them in the slightest. Everyone in this building was wearing similar clothing to Hat Man, and he deduced that must be their uniform. He wondered about the purpose of the hat, and how any criminal could take someone seriously with a garment like that.

He hadn't noticed that he was intensely staring at the offending garment until a hand waved quickly in front of his face, breaking his train of thought. Sometime between when he began his observations of the station and slipping into a reverie he had been placed at a chair in front of the many desks. Hat Man sat in front of it and a woman with extremely long blonde hair sat beside him. He wondered how she could grow her hair so long without it breaking off at the ends. He could see the details of her hair from where he sat, and it was so incredibly healthy he thought she must have some kind of special routine. He wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it was as soft as it looked, but he refrained. He didn't know what would be socially appropriate in a situation like this and he had more self control than most would give him credit for.

L'aire (BoyxBoy) (Watty's 2018)Where stories live. Discover now