
398 35 1

'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

Since Sky had to leave to go on a job and didn't know when he would be back, he and Dom decided to celebrate their one-year anniversary a week early. They realized after some discussion that they had never been on a proper date before, so the two of them dressed in their nicest clothes and drove to the nearest authentic Italian restaurant google could find. They arrived a little after six in the evening, and Dom was eternally grateful that they had called ahead to make a reservation. The lobby was packed wall to wall with people, and there was a line out the door just to get on the waiting list. The air around them was buzzing with vibrations, and Sky could tell that it was probably very loud. He hoped for Dominic's sake that they got seated relatively quickly. The two of them walked up to the hostess and gave them their name to check against pre-existing reservations. As she did so, a man in like to be added to the wait was staring to make a fuss.

"This is ridiculous! An hour and a half wait just to eat some linguini!" The hostess found their reservation and pulled out two menus to take them to their prepared table.

"What the fuck is this? My wife and I have been here for 30 minutes waiting in line and those two faggots walk in and get a table right away? Uh uh, not happening." The man walked over to where Sky and Dominic stood and pushed ahead of the two boys. Dom had been monitoring the situation so he was expecting something to happen, but Sky was caught completely off guard and fell to the ground.

"You there, you're going to seat my wife and I right now or so help me God this restaurant is going to be in trouble." To her credit the wife looked absolutely mortified and tried to calm her husband down. He shook her off and sent her a glare that seemed to shut her up for good. Dominic was fuming as he knelt down to help his husband off the ground. He knew that Sky couldn't be injured, but if he were human a fall like that could have broken his arm.

"Hey buddy we made a reservation. You can't just come in here like you own the place and take someone else's table."

"Shut the fuck up you winy nosed brat. This is my table and I am going to enjoy my dinner right now dammit."

Sky could feel his love's anger slowly rising to atomic levels, and he knew that if he didn't diffuse the situation then he would probably blow up in this man's face. He tended to feel things very strongly, and his protectiveness over Sky had quadrupled since he had come back home. He would do anything to make sure his boy was safe and this man had just pushed him to the ground and was trying to ruin their anniversary. He wasn't going to just stand there and let it happen, and this man was only a human after all.

Sky looked around and saw that the host who was originally speaking to the man had run off to grab a manager. A lot of people in the crowd were looking their way, and no one seemed willing to step in add to an already tense situation. The hostess who was holding the menus was attempting to talk some sense into the man, but he was just going off on her and creating even more of a scene. The man's face had become red as he yelled, and the girl looked like she was about to burst into tears. Sky never liked to use his affinity to harm others, but he didn't feel like he had a choice in this situation. It was either he used his powers or allow Dominic to beat the shit out of the man and get them kicked out.

Sky began to feel around the man, observing his aura and how the air around him moved. He followed the path of air as it entered his lungs, filling them with life and then rushing out as dirty words spewed out of his mouth. Just as he began to inhale once more, Sky shifted the air so it was flowing away from him. The man began to choke, unable to catch his breath as he slowly suffocated. His face was slowly turning blue from lack of oxygen, and he fell to the ground as his brain shut down momentarily. As soon as he hit the ground Sky released his hold on the atmosphere around the man and allowed him to breath as his wife called emergency services. Someone from the crowd was apparently a doctor and they ran foreword to check his vitals. The hostess desperately wanted to escape the scene so she got Dom's attention and escorted the boys to their table before running off into the back to take a breather.

Sky could tell that Dominic didn't know how to feel. On one he felt a sick satisfaction by seeing the man brought down from his pedestal, but he wasn't sure he really liked the way it was done. He knew that Sky only had the best of intentions, that he was trying to protect Dom in the way that Dom wanted to protect him, but that man could have died. As it was he was risking potential brain damage just from the amount of time that he had been choking. He wasn't mad at Sky, not by a long shot, but he could feel that Sky was worried about that anyways. He wouldn't be able to deal if the boy he loved was truly angry at him. Dom reached over the table to give his love's hand a reassuring squeeze. Sky reciprocated the gesture and shot him a shy smile.

The rest of the night went relatively smooth. The food was delicious, dessert was decadent, and the manager came around towards the end of their meal to apologize for the inconveniences earlier in the night and comped the entire meal. The man woke up a minute or so after they had been seated and was promptly rushed to the hospital to figure out what caused him to pass out from a lack of oxygen. The boys were glad that he was okay, but it felt a little bit like karma that he had to pay for unnecessary tests at the hospital. They felt badly for his wife, and the staff that were going to have to deal with him for the rest of the night, but not enough to let thoughts of it ruin their time together.

Neither of them were quite ready to call it a night, so they decided that they wanted to pay homage to their first unofficial date and watch a couple horror films. The living room didn't feel like an intimate enough space, so they pulled all of their available blankets into the bedroom and set up a small comfortable space on the back of their bed. Dominic leaned against the headboard, his arm wrapped around Sky's body as he snuggled as close as possible to his husband.

Throughout the movie, Dom would press sweet kisses all over Sky. He started with the top of his head, then moved down to his nose, and then his soft lips. He felt as if he could kiss those lips for hours on end without caring whether or not he himself was getting oxygen. Sky never ceased to take his breath away, in the best possible way. Sky loved it when Dominic showed him physical affection. It made him feel even closer to Dominic than he did on a daily basis. He slowly removed his lips from Dom and moved then to his love's neck. He wasn't nearly as possessive as his husband was, but he did like to show others that he was taken. Sky pressed several kisses on Dom's neck and then bit down hard. His partner's chest rumbled, and he tightened his hold on him. Sky took that as a good sign and continued to leave his mark on Dominic's neck.

Dom placed his lips on Sky's neck, and the boy tilted his head slightly to give him more access to their bond bite. He moaned deeply when his love started giving him a hickey, and he felt his fangs exposing themselves from their hiding place in his gums. He scraped them lightly against Sky's skin, reveling in the boy's shiver, before sinking them into his flesh. He drank slowly, savoring each moment that his boy gave him complete trust. He relished in their connection and made sure to keep his senses focused on Sky's breathing and heart rate. He pulled away when both were slightly too shallow, and licked the extra blood off of his love's neck. Sky rested his head on Dom's shoulder and slid his hands underneath his shirt to feel his soft chest.

Dom had a little bit of chest hair, just enough for Sky to play with, but not so much that he could run his fingers through it. Once he felt that his boy had settled, he pulled away to remove both of their shirts. Sky began to unbutton both of their pants, and Dom helped him take them off. Each boy slipped their thumbs into the waistband of other's boxers and slowly slid them off of their bodies. They took turns sliding their hands lightly across each other's skin and feeling the warmth that ran thickly underneath. Dom ran his hands through Sky's curls, feeling how incredibly soft they were. Sky ran his fingers lightly down Dom's muscular arms and outlined the shape of his biceps. Both of their bodies responded to the intimate touches by growing in length and thickness, but neither of them paid them any mind. Dom laid down pulling his love into is body and kissing him passionately on the lips. Sky responded enthusiastically before pressing himself tightly into his husband's side and falling asleep in his arms. 

Unedited. Vote and Comment!

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