
410 32 8

'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

Another year had come and gone, and Florette was growing into a beautiful little girl. Her curly brown hair and blue eyes were the spitting image of her father, and she had even started showing signs of his ability to manipulate water. It wasn't quite developed and they would certainly have to keep track of it in order to teach her how to properly control it. The family had just celebrated her second birthday in their home world with Sky's parents. River insisted that she had to spend her first birthday with all of the friends she'd made in their new world, so their mother made them promise that they alternate so she could spoil her grandbaby at least every other year. River made a point to tell her that she was welcome to spoil her whenever she wanted if she just traveled away from their home, but she promptly shut him down.

"A queen can't just leave and go to another world for a birthday party, L'aure"

Dominic was all set to graduate from college with a Bachelor's degree in sociology. He wanted to eventually go on to get a Master's in social work and find a job helping kids like Elijah get out of bad situations and be placed into better ones. He discovered he had a real love for kids, and he even asked Sky if he would ever be willing to be a foster parent or adopt. Sky told him that he would love to provide a good home for children in need, especially if the kids were differently abled like him or supernatural. There was nothing wrong with a human child, but it's so much safer for a super kid to be placed in a super home than a human home and there aren't as many supernatural couples that are willing to foster children. Whether it be because the child is an outsider to their clan or pack or because the child isn't of the same species, there were a lot of wonderful children who were falling through the cracks and being forced to hide their identities in a human home. In some cases, particularly with Vampire children, they aren't even being fed properly and are abused because their foster parents think that they're monsters when in reality they're just a little different and need different care because of it.

Elijah was about to graduate his senior year of high school, and he decided that he wanted to move away from home for college. Sky and Dom had given him everything he could ever want in the three years he'd lived with them, and they had helped him blossom into a happier, more confident version of himself. He was still quiet and could be easily overwhelmed, but he wasn't quite as terrified that everyone who touched him would harm him, and he's learned through years of therapy that it's okay to be himself. He may not quite like himself just yet, but he didn't hate himself quite as vehemently as he had in the past. His Psychologist helped him to see that nothing that happened to him was his fault, it was entirely the fault of the person who hurt him. He shouldn't be blaming himself for events that were out of his control, and he certainly shouldn't hate himself for the actions of another person. He did what he was capable of at the time, and that was more than anyone could have asked for. He knew that he shouldn't place monetary value on all that Sky and Dom gave to him, but he couldn't help but want to pay them back somehow. They certainly weren't in need of any money, so instead he thought that he could repay them by showing them that they helped to make him into a better person. He wanted to be successful in life so they could know that it was only because of them he was able to achieve greatness. In the fall Elijah was set to follow a pre-med track at a top-tier university that fed into a university based medical residency. He was going to become a doctor, and make his dads proud.

River had become a bartender at a club he used to frequent before he had Flo. The music was loud and the lights flashed in his eyes for hours after his shift had already ended, but everyone was drunk and high on ecstasy so they often tipped him more than they meant to. It was more common that one would think to accidentally pull a twenty instead of a one out of their wallets and drop it in the jar. River even found a way for him to use his expertise on women to his advantage. He would find the guy at the bar top who needed his help the most and give them tips on what they should say to the woman they were eyeing. He got to release all of his pent-up seductive energy by playing wingman, and he usually earned himself even more tips in the process. The success rate of his advice garnered him quite a bit of attention, and eventually men came to the club specifically to seek him out. Both the number of patrons and the sale of drinks increased 10-20% during times that River was working, and his boss offered him a ridiculous raise to make sure he was happy enough to stay employed.

Nothing really drastic had changed in the lives of Fury, Cain and Arika. Arika was still working happily as a Detective on the police force, and she even found herself a friend in Detective Wyatt. It was a bit forced as he was just about the only one on the entire team who could stand to be around her, but that didn't bother her in the slightest. Fury and Cain spent almost every second of every day together purely because Fury was possessive to the point of obsession. If anyone even looked in their direction in a way that Fury didn't like he made it a point to pull his man in for a hot make out session regardless of where they were. Some might think it suffocating and insufferable, but Cain actually loved the way that his mate acted. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that the man he loved so deeply loved him just the same, if not even more, and if he wanted to show it by making sure that no one could question it then so be it. He got a lot of hot dominating sex out of the situation so he was more than happy to let it continue as it was.

Dominic decided that he wanted to celebrate his college graduation by taking Sky out for dinner. Sky thought that it really should be him taking Dom out, but he wasn't going to argue with an offer of free food. In order to avoid the whole restaurant fiasco of their first anniversary, Dom decided that they were going to have a picnic on the top of a large hill that looked over a man-made lake about 45 minutes outside of town. The sun was setting as they drove, and they held hands on the middle console as Dominic played music to keep his mind occupied. His anxiety was rising the closer they got to his destination, but he forced himself to take deep breaths and slow his heart rate.

Sky didn't have a favorite type of food, so earlier in the day Leah and Elijah helped Dominic prepare a three-course meal full of foods that were sentimental to him. The first course was scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage; the first meal they ever ate together. Dominic had been so confused about everything that was happening, but when he saw Sky's face light up when he shared his food he knew there was nothing more beautiful in the world. The second course was orange chicken, fried rice, and eggrolls; the takeout Sky brought over to his dorm room on their first official date. That was the night that he realized how much he liked Sky. He loved the feeling of holding him in his arms, and when they were together it felt as if everything in his life had fallen into place and there was nowhere else he'd rather be. The last course was a personal size German chocolate cake. Sky had mentioned wanting to try one, and he figured that if he was going to have it for the first time it might as well be on a memorable night.

Dominic looked over at the love of his life as he ate. The stars were shining brightly above them, and the light of the moon was bouncing off Sky's cheeks illuminating the purple freckles that swept across them. His grey eyes were shining with happiness as he reached his fork into the decadent cake. He wished that he could live in that moment forever. To him Sky wasn't just an angel that walked into his life, he was his everything. He gently placed his hand over Sky's fork, stopping him from eating for just a moment. His love looked up at him curiously, waiting to see what Dom was doing.

'Sky, I had a whole speech planned about how much you happiness you've brought to my life and how I didn't know a part of me was missing before I met you, but I've forgotten all the words except the part where I tell you how much I love you and how I know you're already bonded to me for life and it's legal on paper, but I want to have a ceremony where we get to proclaim how much we mean to each other in front of all our families and friends and then watch them get wasted and make fools of themselves while we relish in the promises of our future. What I'm trying to say, Sky, is will you marry me for real?'

And there it was, the large, blinding smile that took up Sky's entire face and made his eyes wrinkle with true happiness. It was the smile that drew Dom in, and the one he hoped to see many more times throughout their life together. Instead of replying, Sky simply extended his left hand and waited patiently as Dominic scrambled to pull the box out of his pocket. He'd almost completely forgotten about the ring because he was so nervous to give his speech. The ring was a simple silver band with one black diamond in the shape of a heart. He had a matching chevron covered in black diamonds that he intended to use as their wedding band, but Sky decided he wanted to wear both of them right then. They were already legally married anyways, so it's not like anyone could give him a hard time about wearing his wedding ring. The boy pulled his loving husband in for a deep, sweet kiss, and when he pulled away he let Dominic take the first bite of their German chocolate cake. 

Unedited. This is the last chapter before the epilogue! Please vote and comment.

L'aire (BoyxBoy) (Watty's 2018)Where stories live. Discover now