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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

When are you going to stay the night again? Was the first message ever exchanged between the two boys. It had been sent by Sky as he lay in his bed Tuesday morning. It had been two days since he'd seen Dominic last, and Sky was surprised that he already missed him. There was something endearing about the Vampire that pulled him into Sky's radar, and he noted that his bed felt uncomfortably cold without him in it.

The rest of their brunch on Sunday had been fairly quiet, Dom not knowing what to say to the boy he'd found himself stuck by and Sky too tired to actually speak to him. He was finding that constantly reading lips and writing his responses was becoming tiring not that he interacted with so many people. It was refreshing every week when he was able to spend time with Chris and Arika who could understand him as he was.

S: Also, when are you going to learn sign language? I can't read your lips forever you know.

He didn't know why he felt compelled to pressure Dominic into learning, he only knew that he wanted to speak to the boy more and feel comfortable doing it.

D: You're really foreword, you know that right?

D: It's kind of embarrassing to read messages like that in class cause like what if someone reads it and misinterprets it?

D: I did actually start looking up tutorials on Youtube to start learning some signs. I want to be able to talk to you more

Sky was happy to read that Dom felt the same way about their communication and started to type out a message before seeing the three dots that meant Dominic was typing once again.

D: I can come over tonight if you want

D: Or you can come over here, I only have one roommate and he usually spends his nights in his girlfriend's room so we could stay up late and watch a movie or something?

D: If you want of course, we don't have to watch a movie we can just sleep together

D: Not like that I mean just share my bed

D: Oh my god I'm going to stop now sorry if I weirded you out.

Sky cracked a small smile and amended his message.

S: You didn't weird me out Dom, so don't worry about it. Why would I be weirded out when I was the one who asked to sleep in the same bed? And who cares what other people may think? Let them make their own assumptions cause at the end of the day it's not really their business anyways.

I'm not sure that tutorials on Youtube are the best route for a beginner, but it's definitely a start. I actually use a language that's slightly different from ASL so when we're together I can teach you what I know if you want. I've never taught anyone else before, but that way you won't be so easily confused if my signs don't match up to what you're learning.

When are your classes over today? I can pick up something to eat and meet you at your dorm whenever you're done. What kind of food do you want?

L'aire (BoyxBoy) (Watty's 2018)Where stories live. Discover now