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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

One thing that his roommates could have never expected from Sky was just how much he sleeps. While he didn't actually need to sleep for so long or so often, he was quickly getting bored with just lying around his dorm room and decided sleeping was his best option to remedy that. Classes didn't start for another couple of days and Sky didn't have any friends to spend his time with. Sure, Derek would occasionally invite him to eat a meal with him and Grey, but Grey didn't seem to really want him there and he was never invited to spend time with any of their other friends. This didn't really bother Sky, rather it made him feel inquisitive. He thought that perhaps he wasn't invited because they were doing some pack or clan related thing they didn't want him to be a part of, so he followed them around for a while. He got tired of that pretty quickly when he realized that all they do is rough house and play video games. Not that those aren't exciting to watch every once in a while, but without the ability to eavesdrop on their conversations the prospect of spying loses its charm and just becomes boring.

He was utterly bored, and so he decided to sleep.

Derek seemed to worry about his amount of sleep for some reason. He thought that Sky might have been slipping into a depression being what seemed to be a great distance from his family and he decided to finally let him in on his friend group with the intention of pulling him out of his crippling sadness that Derek Decided has plagued him and will cause him to eventually spiral out of control. Sky knew that he was most definitely not depressed, and most certainly not even close to having any sort of mental break down. It was more likely that it was the fact that Derek was meant to keep tabs on him and make sure he doesn't spill and pack secrets that actually led him to eventually include him on his activities, but the idea that Derek cared enough about him to risk introducing an outsider to his pack friends made him feel good about himself. If Derek was going to pretend to care about him, then he was going to pretend he believed Derek cared.

The first time Sky met Derek's pack friends they met up for lunch in the student union. The five of them were already sitting at the table when Sky and Derek arrived, and Derek began introducing them one by one. He knew who they were of course because he had already followed each one of them around at one point or another during the last year and he had broken into all of their dorm rooms one night while they were up late playing video games. It helped that three of them lived in one room and the over two shared with a Vampire who actually has fallen into a depression and didn't even notice he was in the room.

Conner and Collin Deluca were twins to the Beta and set to take over the position together when Derek becomes Alpha. James Montgomery or "Monty" as his friend affectionately call him was set to be the third in command. The three of them were all a year older than Sky and Derek and had already attended the college for a year. Jamie Deluca, the Beta twins younger brother seems to have always found a place with the Alpha heir due to their age and vague relation to each other, and Cassius Dane, the quietest of the bunch, just kind of followed him around like a lost puppy. Sky had found years worth of poetry in his room back at the pack house about his ever growing and undying love for the clueless boy, but he was far too shy to ever admit to Jamie that he has feelings for him. He hadn't even told any of his friends that he likes boys.

The moment they sat down Derek left the table to go grab food for both him and Sky. A nice gesture he was sure to remember for the future because he was tired of people doing things for him and giving nothing in return. He didn't want to be doted on. Once they were alone, four of the five wolves turned their attention directly to him like a predator stalking their prey. Any other creature would have been frightened of such powerful and threatening auras emanating from the boys, but Sky merely raised an eyebrow at their display and lifted his head in a "sup" motion. Out of all of them it seemed that Monty had the most affinity for different languages, so it was no surprise when he began to sign in Sky's direction as he tried to overwhelm him.

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