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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

Judgement day came when Sky was called to Aiden Silver-Laken's house to discuss business. Grey, who still seemed perpetually irritated with Sky for some reason, had noticed the correlation between Black Bird's disappearance and Sky's kidnapping. He didn't know how it took Grey six months to figure it out, but maybe he'd suspected the whole time and only chose to say something about it now. Sky couldn't only guess at his motives as he didn't actually care enough to actually figure them out. When he arrived at the house he was surprised to see that his father-in-law Garret and grey himself were there to greet him as well. If he'd known they would all be there he would have brought over Leah's newest batch of cookies; they were chocolate fudge and absolutely divine. Garrett sat next to him on the couch and everyone else sat across from him. It reminded him vaguely of an interrogation, but he truly had nothing to hide and even if he did no one in front of him actually intimidated him.

"Before we start, everyone present is going to sign this contract stating that nothing said here today will leave this room. With the intent to protect everyone here, all information henceforth will be kept between the four of us and no one else." Garret spoke, and he passed a pen around before finally signing it himself.

"Sky I'm going to cut to the chase and say that we know about your little business that you have going on. I'll skip the lecture about how dangerous this could be and go right into the questions. What information have you given away about our clan and the Blood Moon pack?" Aiden began.

'Nothing that would put anyone in danger. A few parents who are cheating on their spouses and some kids trying to rip off drugs.'

"I was able to pull your financial records, and you have way more money than could possibly come from anyone who paid for that kind of information. I don't want to think that you're selling out your family and friends Sky, but that's what it looks like."

"That's probably the only reason he bonded with Dom in the first place the fucking traitor," Grey spat. Sky actually rolled his eyes at the boy's childish behavior. He had been with Dominic for year now, and everyone could see that two were deep in it. There was just no way to fake the way they felt.

"Grey, you will not speak again, do you hear me?" The boy scowled, but nodded anyways. "Sky, explain yourself, and it better be good."

Sky explained absolutely everything about what he did and how he did it. He told them about his genetic skills, the portal, and his newly found hacking abilities. He didn't feel it was necessary to involve Jonesy in his explanation unless the specifically asked, so he just told them how he gained his larger clients through word-of-mouth and good recommendations. He assured him that he would never give out information that could harm those he knew personally, and told him about the deal he made with River. In order to keep his identity a secret he would have to provide some information if it was requested, but he could edit the information to only what the clan was okay with others knowing. Aiden didn't like the idea of Sky giving away any information on them at all, but he understood where the boy was coming from. And truth be told he was rather impressed with how successful Sky had become in such a short amount of time. He would never admit it, but he was proud of the boy. He was family now, and his success was a reflection on all of them. It also didn't hurt to know that his only nephew was being well cared for.

"Sky I need to know that you're telling the truth, and the only way for me to know for sure will be to read your blood memories. I'll know everything that happened through your perspective, and how you felt and thought about the situation. It sounds invasive, but it's the only way I can truly clear your name. I'll have to bite you on the wrist and drink a little of your blood. It will feel very different than feeding, but it won't be painful."

'Will you be able to sort through the memories you want to see or will you know everything?'

"I'll try to keep to the relevant information, but it's not an exact science. I promise you as your clan leader that irrelevant information I see will not be shared with anyone, so you don't have to worry."

Sky wasn't worried, but he appreciated the sentiment. He could tell that Aiden was being sincere and stood to meet him half way. Garrett came to stand behind him, and Grey stood behind his father as precaution in case either of them passed out. Sky offered his left wrist to his leader. As soon as Aiden's fangs broke skin, his reaction was immediate. The man was right when he said that reading blood memories would feel different than Dominic's feeding bite, but what he didn't tell him was that their spirits would connect and Sky would be reliving his memories with his clan leader. Although he was quick to shut him down, Grey's comment about Dom obviously stuck with Aiden because the first memory they saw was of Dominic walking in on Sky naked in his dorm room.

Aiden was vaguely aware of Sky's current feelings as he slowly drank from him, and he saw that the boy didn't mind the direction of the memories. It was of no consequence to him if Aiden knew the truth about his relationship with his partner. Perhaps it would shut up Grey for good. Together the two of them flew through cuddling, brunch, movies, and more cuddling all the way until the day Dominic suggested they bond. The memory slowed, allowing Aiden to take in every bit of the conversation. He saw the way that Sky looked at his nephew, and felt the true fear that he would leave him because he didn't feel sexual attraction. He hadn't yet fully acknowledged it in his own mind, but at the time Sky had loved him. He loved him enough to bond with him for life after knowing him for only a short amount of time. He saw the embarrassment and the hope on Dom's face as he told Sky about Vampire bonding. He was the one who thought to even suggest it, and it was clear that the two of them were all in when they made the decision. They may have been too young, but it was clear from an insider's perspective that they weren't actually as rash in their decision as everyone assumed they were. They were young, but they were absolutely sure.

He felt he'd seen enough to be satisfied in regards to his nephew, so Aiden jumped ahead to when Sky began his business. He was very surprised to find that Sky originally started his business because he wanted to pay back the money Aiden spent on his house from the clan funds. He had briefly noticed that more money was being deposited than usual, but he hadn't thought to check who they money came from. He saw how it grew, and got insight on how Sky's brain worked. He was easily bored, and he needed something to keep him interested and occupy his time. Anything pertaining to knowledge was his go-to, and he just so happened to have a knack for it. The clan leader grimaced slightly when he learned about Sky's offer to Jonesy, but he couldn't actually get mad at him. He didn't give away any information that could actually lead this hacker to the clan, and no one could fault Sky for sharing personal information with someone he considered a friend.

Garret grabbed Sky and Grey grabbed Aiden as they separated to make sure they were steady on their feet and guide them back to their respected seats. Aiden's head was spinning and Sky felt light headed. Grey got up to get them both water and waited for them to recover before asking for the verdict.

"Sky I'm going to respect your wish to continue doing what you've been doing, and all I ask is that we have full transparency when it comes to information about the clan or anyone in it. I also want you to be safe Sky, make sure you're protecting yourself out there. We already lost you once and I don't know if Dominic could handle it a second time." Aiden and Sky exchanged sweet smiles before he turned to his son.

"Speaking of Dominic, I don't want to hear another word of doubt coming out of your mouth Grey. I've seen their relationship for myself now, and you can trust me when I say that your cousin is very lucky to have found someone who loves him so much. You are going to be the leader of this clan one day and Sky is going to be a great asset when that time comes. I suggest you get over whatever has made you so angry and learn to play nice." Grey scoffed and looked away from his dad. He tried to keep his irritated expression, but Sky noticed that the fire had started to burn out and was replaced with a thinly veiled sadness.  

Unedited. Vote and Comment!

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