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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

When Sky awoke in the hospital the first thing he noticed was the love of his life sleeping with his head resting on the hospital bed and clutching his hand tightly. He had been asleep for nearly an entire day, and Dominic had stayed by his side the entire time. The bed was slightly uncomfortable, but he had spent who knows how long sleeping on a concrete floor in a pool of his own blood so he wasn't about to complain. Someone, one of the nurses he assumed, had cleaned him of all his blood and changed him into a hospital gown to help preserve his modesty. Wires were attached to him at various points in his body, and two IV bags dripped beside him, filling his blood with the water and nutrients he had missed out on for so long. He moved his hand to pet his partner's head, and the slight movement shocked the boy out of his restless sleep.

The moment his eyes met with Sky's grey orbs he burst into tears. Arriving home from work only to find his love gone was one of the scariest moments of his life. He spent hours that morning calling everyone who had an association with Sky to see if they knew where he had gone. He even went as far as going to any place he knew he'd been to at some point just to see if he could find him. He briefly wondered if his love had gone back to his home, but River and Fury both assured him that Sky would never have left without telling him first. Once he knew for sure that Sky was missing, he went straight to Arika to file a report.

The next two months were horrible. He woke up every morning and reached over to Sky's side of the bed to pull him closer only to remember that they had no idea where he was. He cried every day, and it took all of River's tricks to even get him to drink one bag of donated blood. The only thing that kept him going was the fact that he could still feel his partner through their bond. He was in a great deal of pain, but he was alive. It broke his heart every time his awareness of Sky's emotion's heightened. He was trying to reassure Dom that he was okay and calm him down even through his own distress. He wanted Dominic to know that he wasn't scared, and that he trusted everything was going to eventually work out. In those moments he loved Sky so much he couldn't help but sob even more than any other time. He was so overwhelmed with the situation and he had no idea what to do.

It was truly a miracle when Elijah showed up at their doorstep that day, and Dom had already resigned to do everything in his power to give that boy the life he deserves. He was their savior, a guardian angel in their time of need, and Dom didn't want him to be placed in a foster home that would only break his spirit even more than its already been broken. While he was waiting for his love to wake up, he told one of the officers that he wanted Elijah to be placed in their home. He was of legal age to become the boy's guardian, and he knew that Sky would have fought for the placement himself if he was able to. There were times when he was gone that Dom could feel true happiness and contentment, and he gathered from their brief interaction that Elijah had to be the cause. He would forever be grateful that the young boy had been able to give him some peace in his time of need.

Sky was still weak, but he had regained enough of his strength to pull Dominic in for a passionate kiss. His cheeks moistened with Dom's tears and the boy's hold on Sky's arms was slightly too strong, but he didn't care. Out of everything he hated about being in that basement, his lack of contact with his love was the worst. Being reunited with him felt like taking a breath of fresh air in a garden that no one else had ever stepped foot in before. It was clean and pure and refreshing above all else. His heartrate notable slowed, and he felt as if everything was right in the world again. Everything was okay, and would continue to be as long as he had Dominic by his side. He scooted over to make room for Dom to climb into the bed with him, and he did so enthusiastically. He relished in the feeling of Sky's body in his arms once more, and he vowed to never let him go again.

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