
397 31 2

'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

It was mid-February when Sky arrived in Nebraska, and it was much colder than he was expecting and starting to snow. One would think that with everything he knew now he would have thought to check the weather ahead, but the idea hadn't even crossed his mind. Most of his winter clothes had already been packed up and put into storage to make room for his warmer spring clothes at home, so his first day on the job consisted of a shopping trip and finding a hotel to sleep at for the next couple of nights. He didn't plan to stay long, but he wanted to give himself some leeway just in case. Dom had a small laugh at his expense and had to call the bank for him to tell them that he was in fact in Nebraska and his card hadn't been stolen. Sky usually tried to only use cash for his expenses on a job so he didn't leave an electronic trail of his whereabouts, but he hadn't budgeted enough to include an expensive jacket, non-slip winter shoes, and thick socks.

He woke up the next day groggy, but ready to begin nevertheless. He ate much more than his share of the complimentary continental breakfast buffet and filled his thermos with the free coffee. He could tell that the employees really wanted to say something to him, but there wasn't actually anything in the rules preventing him from taking his coffee to go. In fact, it's usually encouraged for patrons to eat in their rooms in order to save up table space, they just didn't usually have to deal with people like Sky. He would never say no to anything free that filled up his stomach.

The target's house was large. Five bedroom, three and a half bath with both an attic and a basement. Only three of the bedrooms were occupied by members of the family, leaving two of them empty to be used for who knows what. Sky assumed from the shapes he could feel in the atmosphere of the room that they were guest rooms, but there was something strange about them he couldn't place. He didn't actually have to investigate the whole house in order to get the information he needed, but his curiosity often got the better of him. He was already in the house, so why not find out what dirty little secrets these people are hiding and add it to his mental vault. He never actually thought that anyone would pay him to find out which wealthy business men wear women's panties on a regular basis, but nothing was a guarantee so he liked do find things like that out anyways just in case.

Both his target and his wife came from old money, so they were absolutely loaded. Their kids were sent off to the most prestigious private school in the city every morning, they had different cooks on rotation to make their meals, and neither of them actually had to work in order to keep up their lavish lifestyle. The husband held a lot of influence because of his family's connections, so he spent his days drinking with government officials at the country club who were trying to suck up to him to support their various causes. His wife spent her time yelling at the help for no reason and sneaking around with her husband's friends. Her favorite owned a chain of luxury hotels, so she would often get to dine on five-star room service both before and after having mind-blowing sex.

The best time to try and enter the house would be after the breakfast cook cleaned up and left and before the kids came home from school after their extra-curricular activities. This gave Sky several hours to canvas the house and get the information he needed. His client had been very specific about what documents he wanted copies of, but offered nothing in the way of reasoning. Sky decided it would be easiest to enter through the window in the attic. The house was fairly secluded so no one would be able to see him as he used the air to support his body while he jimmied the window open. They had a high-tech security system, but the house was three stories if you included the attic so no one ever thought they would need protection all the way at the top. Who could possibly break in through a window that was so high off the ground?

The office was on the ground floor near the dining room, and it wasn't even locked. The desk drawers inside were, but they were easily picked. Sky had everything he needed to give his client within 10 minutes of being in the house, so he had a lot of time to go through the family's things. The family bedrooms were fairly boring, nothing noteworthy was hidden underneath their mattresses, but the guest rooms were very strange. At first glance they looked absolutely ordinary, but there were details that began a narrative. The windows didn't open like the ones in the rest of the house, there were no dressers, and if Sky looked closely he could see that there were actually scuff marks on the iron headboard. In order to scratch something so hard something had to be connected to it and a great deal of force applied, or the same action had to be taken over and over and over again. He took pictures on his camera and moved on to the next part of the house.

There was nothing else really to find until he came to the basement door. Unlike the office, the basement had several locks on it, all of which took Sky infinitely more time to undo. He thought it was very strange that an office with important legal documents had less security. The basement itself was actually fairly well lit and looked to be recently renovated. The floor was covered in a nice laminate that slanted towards a drain right in the middle of the room. One wall held a variety of tools similar to those used on Sky when he was held captive, and there was a metal table along the wall adjacent to it. The other two walls had four deep freezers sitting in front of it. Each freezer was padlocked shut as an extra layer of protection from anyone who could get into the room. Sky documented all these oddities as well before opening the lock on all of the freezers. Once they were open, he found a gold mine.

Inside each freezer were different cuts of meat. Anyone other than Sky would probably assume that it was beef or maybe even deer, but he could tell that the dimensions of the muscles didn't fit with any animal he could think of. The only way that those cuts could be in the shape they were was if they came from a human. Several humans in fact, as there was way too much meat for it to come from just one. He took pictures, and pocketed one of the smaller packages. After locking everything back up, he went back into the kitchen. He had seen leftovers from the previous night's dinner in the fridge, but originally paid them no mind. Now, he was wondering if the meat in the container was what he thought it was. Just looking at it there wasn't really any way to tell, but he documented the placement of the dish in his target's fridge and what it looked like before taking a small slice with him.

On his way home, Sky thought it was probably best to drop off his camera and the samples he took with the police. What he found inside that house was definitely illegal, and even though he didn't know exactly what happened he figured it wasn't good. He snuck into the precinct making sure to keep his hood up the entire time. He steered clear of the cameras as much as possible, and hid his face when he passed the ones he couldn't avoid. He dropped the evidence off on the desk of a leading detective along with a note explaining where it came from and his business card in case they had any questions. He was sure they would be able to get a warrant to search the target's house given the amount of evidence he collected, and they would be horrified when they did.

Not even a week later the target and his family were on the news. Apparently they had been abducting young adults off the streets and hiding them in their home. They would handcuff their victims to the beds in the guest rooms until they were ready to fillet them. Human meat is apparently very high in protein and has a slightly sweet taste that satiated the kid's appetites and helped the father bulk up. Rumors suggested that it was actually a long standing family tradition that the man just continued once he had his own family, but his parents were long dead and he was an only child so there was no way for anyone to prove that was the case. When the searched the property they found the bones of over 100 people buried throughout their yard. Jonesy was wrong when he thought they were dangerous supernaturals; they were just some really fucked up humans. 

Unedited. I'm going to do a double update today because I'm getting married on Saturday and won't be posting again until next Tuesday. Vote and comment!

L'aire (BoyxBoy) (Watty's 2018)Where stories live. Discover now