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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

There is an invisible thread that keeps the members of a Vampire clan connected. Regular members can only feel each other's presence within the clan structure, but higher ranking members are able to differentiate between them to know what is happening within their family. One of the biggest changes to the clan connection that makes a significant impact is the addition or subtraction of members. The general populace wouldn't know who has joined, but the leader of the clan and his immediate family can feel the details of the person, so to speak. They see the person in their mind's eye, identifying their aura and memorizing the scent of the new family member. By bonding with Dominic Sky had inadvertently become the newest member of the Silver clan, and that was how he found himself sitting on a couch across from the current clan leader Aiden Silver-Laken and his wife and kids. Grey was glaring at him, as he usually does, while his father looked upon them with hard eyes. Diana Silver-Laken, his wife, kept a guarded expression and their 14-year-old daughter Auburn looked entirely disinterested in the whole affair. Sky thought that they probably expected him to feel intimidated by the overbearing aura of the family, but he didn't.

"I want to start off by saying that the two of you are not in trouble, but there are some ground rules we need to cover here. Typically this talk happens before an outsider is brought into the clan through bonding, but you two didn't exactly follow the proper procedure here." While he was addressing both of them, Sky knew that most of his words were a reprimand of Dominic since he should have known better. A week previous Dom would have fallen under the weight of his uncle's disappointment, but now he was able to feed off of his partner's confidence to maintain a calm demeanor and keep his head high as he held Sky's hand tightly.

"First, I want to make sure that both of you understand that you can't take back what you've done. Had you come to me and discussed your wishes beforehand I would have highly recommended you wait at least until you both finish your schooling to make that kind of commitment, but what's done is done and you are now connected for the rest of your lives. I also must say that despite the obvious trust my nephew has placed in you Sky, you are a stranger to me and that is a risk I can't afford to take with my family. You are already a part of the clan, but we are going to be keeping a close eye on you to make sure that you aren't going to put us in danger by exposing us in any way." Grey scoffed.

"Of course he's going to expose us. He's a silly little human who's just feeding off the power he gets from knowing our secret. When the novelty wears off he's gonna be over his vampire boyfriend so fast that he won't even care whether or not he hurts him." Dominic tensed, immediately becoming defensing, but Sky placed his hand on his shoulder to calm him.

'You have nothing to fear from me,' Sky signed as Dom translated for him. 'Even if I was a human, I have nothing to gain by telling others about your family. I didn't choose Dom because he was a Vampire, I was drawn to him because he's Dom.'

"Wait," Aiden said, leaning foreword slightly. "What do you mean if you were human?" Sky shrugged, looking to Dominic to elaborate. He knew everything about him, and would be able to explain in a way that his family could understand.

"Sky isn't actually human. He came here from a different world where there is only one language and his kind is the only kind that exists. He is the only one who is different from everyone in his kind because he is deaf."

"Oh that's bullshit he probably just made that up to trick you," Grey spat hatefully. Aiden shot his son a hard look.

"Grey you know as well as anybody that there are no secrets between bonded partners. If that is what Dominic says then it's the truth. I am interested to know more about your kind. I have heard of the existence of other worlds, but none that host a life so closely related to humans that we can't tell the difference."

'Well my home is very similar to here in terms of forestry and building structures, but the people are very different. We look similar to humans, but our healing abilities are closer to that of Vampires and there are no hospitals as no one ever gets sick. I was truly and anomaly when I was born, my family had to create an entirely new language in order to communicate with me because I can't hear them speak.'

"Interesting. And is healing the extent of your supernatural abilities?" Sky began to reply, but quickly turned to Dominic instead.

'Is there supposed to be anyone else in this house right now?' Dom shook his head.

'No, just my uncle and his wife and kids. Why?'

'I've felt the presence of someone at the top of the stairs since we walked in. I assumed it was another family member, but I just remembered you said you only had two cousins.' Dominic's face hardened, looking to his right in the direction of the stairs.

'Start explaining my brothers and pretend like you're still translating for me, I'm going to go check it out.' Aiden assumed that Sky was asking whether or not he could trust him enough to tell him about his kind, so he became very confused when Sky turned to him and made a motion that Aiden should stay quiet. Sky pointed in the direction of the stairs, trying to communicate that someone else was in the house, but he didn't think that Aiden and his family actually understood.

"Most people in my home don't have any other abilities, but my brothers and I each have a specialty because we are heirs to the throne."

As Dominic began to speak, acting as if Sky was still there, he got up off the couch and headed in the direction of the stairs. He used his abilities to displace his scent, keeping it confined to the living room and erasing the vibrations in the air that would allow the intruder to hear his steps. The entire family wore dumbfounded expressions on their faces as they watched him.

"L'Sulie is sensitive to light and heat. He can sense, create, and manipulate them both as he pleases."

Sky quietly crept up the stairs, checking constantly to make sure the body hadn't moved.

"L'aure has an affinity for water. He can't create water, but he can control it and anything containing water including blood."

He reached the top of the stairs, preparing himself to take defensive action as he stepped around the corner and came face to face with the intruder.

"L'furae's specialty is fire. He can produce and exacerbate flames as well as burn anything he wants with a touch of his finger."

Sky's face paled and he tried not to wretch as he took in the person before him.

"L'Gairie is deeply connected to nature. His body actually has the ability to photosynthesize like a plant, and he can both make plants grow and talk to them."

Sky rushed down the stairs, running to the living room and stopping directly in front of Dominic.

'We need to call Arika, someone's been killed.'

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