Chapter 14

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Hayley's POV

I head back downstairs, and see Luke sitting where he was before he looks at me but before he can say anything my dad yells for us announcing dinner is ready.

So I turn around and head to the kitchen. Luke and Hunter sit next to each other on the chairs, my dad sits on the end closest to Hunter, and Lindsey and I sit on the bench. Her across from Hunter, I across from Luke.

We all start digging in and filling our plates, while everyone is occupied, Luke looks up at me and mouths, 'You okay?' I shake my head and mouth back, 'We need to talk'.

He looks down, which makes me think he knows why I'm mad.

We are all eating dinner and talking away when suddenly Hunter asks for everyone's attention.

"So as all of you know. Lindsey and I are getting married soon. And we do plan on having children. And we don't want to have them live in the loud city. So-" I cut him off, "Are you moving back home?" I ask hopeful. "No. I don't want to quit my job. So, we bought a piece of land and are going to build a home. It's in between the city and here. An hour to the city, two hours here, and dad is going to help build it." He finishes.

"Wait! Dad? As in our dad?" I ask, he nods his head, "What about Luke?" I ask.

"Don't worry sweetie. I'm going to stay in the trailer with Hunter during the week, and then during the weekends, he is going to go see Lindsey and stay there. And I'll come home. And I'm sure I'll stop in a few days a week." He explains.

They all continue talking about house plans and all that fun stuff, while I am in my head, a lot of thoughts running through it. The main one being. Luke and I.

We will be alone...

Its later after dinner and we are all in our own rooms settling down for the night. I decide to go talk to Luke now.

I leave my room and go to his door before knocking on it. I hear a faint "Come in" So I do.

Luke is on his bed wearing only pajama pants. (A/N: Just take a second. Close your eyes and imagine the greatness) "What can I do for you?" He asks all smiley.

"A condom? Really?" I say and his expression drops. "Oh yeah." He says standing up.

"Did you forget that I'm on the pill? I didn't even notice you put one on." I say in a whisper shout, "I'm a man of many talents, and I'm sorry okay. It's just out of habit. It won't happen again." He says.

An idea comes to mind, "Yeah you're right it won't. Because this is done." I say gesturing my hands at the two of us.

He slowly walks up to me. "Don't lie to yourself Hayley." He says, "You and I both can't stop even if we tried." He says placing a hand on my waist, and another on my cheek.

I look up at him as he towers over me.

He slowly leans down and places his lips on mine. The kiss doesn't last long. But it still feels amazing. I turn around and leave his room, and when I get to mine I realize he is right.

We couldn't stop even if we tried.

A/N: First I'm sorry it's not as long of a chapter. I just knew you guys wanted an update. Or at least I hope you did.

What did you think? Tell me what you think is going to happen next, and what you want to see happen.

Lets go for 30+ votes again.

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