Chapter 1

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"Breathe Cassie, breathe. It's alright." I did as I was directed by doctor O'Brien. I tried drawing air by breathing in rapidly but it all seemed futile.

How could I breathe when the source of my strength, my air, my Love was no longer here?

"You have to stop thinking and concentrate!" The doctor shunned all my thoughts, grasped my shoulders, looked into my eyes and soon I had no choice but to focus, at least, for the moment.

Till realization kicked in again.

It had been like this for the past fifteen hours. I hadn't slept a wink. One minute, I'd relax a little then go into a frenzy the next. Apart from the doctors, no one bothered to console me. Everyone was in total misery as they dealt with the sad news in their own personal way.

Dad sat quite close to mum but both neither seemed to acknowledge each other; while his elbows leaned on his knees, he held his head which was bowed, with both hands. Mum was in deep thoughts as she seemed oblivious to us all. Ana was in middle of a call with her boyfriend, droplets of tears ran down her cheeks. Tess, well Tess was as depressed as I was. She had fainted twice since we received the sad news.

Jason is dead!

It beseemed incredulous and most times, I'd stare at the TV, hoping to see the face of the same reporter. This time, to see her smiling and say it was all a joke, that Jason was fine and there wasn't any accident at all.

I stared at the door also, expecting to see Jason turn the doorknob and step in so that I would run over to him and never let go.

If wishes were horses...

The doctors helped stabilize my frantic heartbeat or what was left of the exhausting heartbreak. I had no idea if I still had a heart, I clutched my chest trying to find something concrete to believe in because I definitely couldn't understand the fuss of living  anymore.

I had been so determined to live. So passionate about spending many more years on earth but now, I had begun to question it. In fact when you looked at it, life doesn't treat us the way we believe we deserve. Life is shitty; something you fight so hard to grasp but eventually turns out foggy.

Was that explanation even sensible?

Heck! Who cares if it wasn't, right?

I felt so annoyed with myself. I remember comparing myself to the famous Cinderella, how my life had more colour and glow to it than hers. Last time I checked, she found her way back into the arms of Prince Charming and lived happily ever after.

Here, I sat, without hope, without Love. Completely lost without the the desire to be found.

"Way to go Cinder-Freaking-ella! You won, congratulations!" I said to myself but I guess everyone heard me. They gazed at me like I had lost my mind. Even Tess, looked like I was a patient placed in an asylum.

Whatever! They could think the worst of me. I don't give a fu...

Gosh! I shouldn't be swearing!

"Baby it's gonna be alright." I had no idea how mum managed rushing towards me because like a flash of lightning, she was by my side, pressing me to her bosom and whispering how much she loved me. I guessed in deep thoughts of juxtaposing Cinderella and I, I had missed the doctor's exit.

I was about to give in to the hug and listen to her words of love but I had no control of my thoughts as it travelled to hours ago when she insulted Jason and Tess.

"They are both Gold diggers. Himself and his sister."

Only hours ago, she ranted about how my boyfriend, whom she believed wasn't right for me, was dead and how I should move on instead of grieving. Now she sat, hugging me and spilling gibberish. Was she confused or was she intentionally overbearing?

Whatever she was, I wasn't going to fall for it. With that realization, I shoved her off me.

"I don't need your pity. You can't just say mean words about Jason one minute and then act like you care the next. I won't fall for it." I knew she was surprised by my sudden outburst, the way she looked at me like she was face to face with a ghost.

Well mum, I guess you aren't the only one who knows how to throw a bombshell at other people.

"C-Cassieopia, I'm trying to comfort you. I know I don't act like the ideal mother for you but I love you and I know you're in pain. I can't ignore it. You're my daugh-" I didn't let her finish before snapping at her.

"Save it mum! You never cared about him. You never wanted us to be together and now that you know he's out of my life, you want to comfort me? You don't know what that word means. It means standing up for me. Supporting me every step of the way even if you don't agree with my decisions. You've never known what support means and I doubt you ever will." I ended in a sharp tone. Dad, Ana and Tess watched our exchange silently, waiting for more words to be thrown between both of us.

There was more to say to her. I wanted her to feel so bad about herself that she'd understand the world didn't revolve around her. But the part of me which respected her, stopped me from lashing out more words. Therefore, I sucked my cheeks in, holding them firm with my upper and lower teeth fighting the great urge to make her feel as much pain as I felt.

Moreover, I realized it wasn't worth it. Instead I carefully moved away from her, laid down on the bed and slowly turned to the side facing the wall. She'd understand I wanted out of the conversation.

She sighed and within seconds, I felt the bed which had been depressed by her weight, slowly bounce back signifying her absence.

It became an intense battle trying to sleep. Thoughts of my boyfriend and how he became so unfortunate in the hands of death crept in at a fast pace and I wondered if it would remain like this. The struggle to garner an ounce of sleep.

Still in troubled thoughts, I heard a subtle knock on the door. It was so quiet, one would never hear but luckily for whoever was behind that door, we all heard. It was impossible not to with the deafening silence existing in here.

"I'll get it."Ana said.

With my steady gaze on the wall in front of me, I was equally apprehensive just like everyone else as we awaited who the unexpected visitor was. It wouldn't be any of the nurses or doctors because they had firm knocks and came in with or without our permission.

I heard the clicking sound of the doorknob as Ana opened it. A moment passed but no conversation initiated and I wondered what might be happening. I made no move to turn around in order to know what was going on. I was too drained emotionally to be expectant of some kind of miracle.

"Can I help you?" Asked Ana after what I thought was eternity, passed. My silly brain still wanted to know the visitor's identity therefore, my ears shot upwards to listen to their conversation. However, no matter how I listened, I just couldn't hear whoever it was speak. Just inaudible sounds were made I guess.

"She's not in the mood to speak with anyone at the moment." Ana concluded and was about to shut the door when the person finally gathered the balls to speak out loud.

"WAIT!" He said.

It sounded quite familiar and I found myself recollecting where or when I had heard the exact same voice before. Then it switched and immediately, I knew. With a swift motion, I turned around and fixed my gaze at the unexpected visitor.

It was him!

He looked different standing there, torn between entering or leaving but still had the little hope that I would let him in.

It was Jeremy, the Janitor!

Lmao... Some of you thought it was Jason right?

I'm so thrilled this book has come this far and it's all because of you. Thank you so much to you reading this right now. I know how it feels to be unappreciated for something you've worked hard for. But you guys encourage me daily with your votes, comments, shares and fandom.

You're all forever in my heart.


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