Chapter 28

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Ugh! The pain.

I couldn't get over the throbbing ache in my head. The unpleasant after-effects of the consumption of alcohol drained me totally.


Why did I decide to drink so much last night? The last time it happened—which was also my first—I vowed I would never drink again. Now here I was, with a much worse hangover.

Speaking of last night, I could scarcely remember the events of last night. All I knew was I had um, what was the name again? Oh, vodka! I had an excessive amount of vodka and the numbing aftereffects had kicked off, making me uncomfortable.

Moreover, I didn't know where I was. My bed didn't feel so comfortable anymore, the atmosphere smelled like my Range Rover and soft music played close by. As I listened to it, it comforted me in a way. I felt relaxed in spite of the pain.

Not until I heard a light tap. I ignored it at first, however, it became incessant, ebbing away what little comfort the slow music had on me. I decided to open my eyes.

The first thing I realized was; as I presumed, I wasn't laying on my bed. I was however at the back seat of my car, the heater had been on, making me sweat like crazy. I bet I had turned it on last night in the slightly cold summer night but now that it was broad day light, it added more heat to the present atmosphere. I rose to a sitting position and noticed also that the song emanated from the music system.

Here I was, in the back of my car, absolutely weary. I craved some fruit juice at this point. Anything to brighten up my fatigued day. Something cold to calm my already blazing mood.

Tap, tap, tap!

I jumped abruptly at the angry tapping sounds from my window, staring directly at my father, looking angrier than I've ever seen him. He kept making inaudible words while I sat confused, trying to understand him.

You're supposed to wind down the vehicle's window silly!

Hurriedly, I searched for the button so I wouldn't rile up my dad further. The ache in my head ignited at the audible sound of my dad's voice.

"Where the hell have you been?" He fumed, his eyes firing lasers at me. I gripped my hair, fighting the discomfort I felt.

"Your mother and I have been worried about you. We called you, Ana, Tess and the rest of your friends but couldn't get a hold of you. Where were you all night long, young lady?" He asked again, calmer this time around after he noticed my state of health.

I couldn't tell him I went to the club, because I didn't know how he'd react to it. So I decided to omit that.

"I just wanted to be alone... To think." I answered looking down guiltily.

"I can see you achieved that, with how bad you reek of alcohol." He commented. Way to go, dad!

"Your sarcasm is highly appreciated dad." I muttered as I took out my car keys and struggled to open the door before walking out. The earlier I got into bed, the better. I couldn't keep up with being cranky.

We said nothing more as we left my SUV behind. Inwardly, I wondered how I was able to drive in my intoxicated state. More confusing was the fact that I drove safely and in one piece. I looked back to confirm with the safe state of my car.

How was I able to I drive, park at the right spot, without a scratch on my Range Rover?

I was dumbfounded as I muttered to myself.

"You have to eat and take an Advil before going to bed." I was about to say otherwise but he spoke first, "It's an order."

I grumbled as I followed him into the kitchen, where I was welcomed with the gourmet sight of chocolate chip pancakes. My eyes lingered on them much longer than I would have liked. To make matters worse, my stomach growled and my mouth salivated. Quickly, I comported myself but dad already noticed. He had a knowing smirk or whatever you could describe the look on his face.

"I'll have just two pancakes and water please." I sat down on a tall wooden stool by the kitchen counter.

He dropped a plate full of five hot and fluffy pancakes and a tall glass of fruit juice.

So, I asked for two and he gave me five. I asked for water and be gave me a fruit juice.

Was he insinuating I was a foodie?

Chasing my thoughts to the corner of my mind, I grabbed the silverware and started eating. From a side glance, I saw dad eating as well. Why was he eating now. The digital clock in the kitchen read 10:30, which meant it was a late breakfast. Mum and dad ate quite early in the morning each day.

"We couldn't eat not knowing your whereabouts." Dad said, as if reading my mind.

"Where's mum?" Her absence was weird. I expected her to be by the door, waiting to reprimand me as usual. It was a surprise to meet an empty living room and kitchen.

"Asleep! She barely slept all through the night. I had to convince her this morning to get some rest." His response melted my resolve. My parents had been exceedingly worried about me while I partied hard.

I really am the worst daughter on earth.

"I'm sorry dad. It's just... I was mad at the fact that you wanted me to be with someone I have never seen. I just needed a break to think straight." I looked at anywhere but him.

Truthfully, apart from the intention of finding someone to be with last night, I wanted a break from everyone. I just wanted space and I was confused as well.

"I understand." I finally had the courage to look into his eyes. The dark orbs held sincerity and regret. "Your mum and I had a tête-à-tête when you left. We realised we were going too far in parenting. We came to the conclusion that you're an adult now, no longer the little baby girl we always protected from the world. I guess its time you made your choice, and learnt from your mistakes. You're a woman now." The way he said ‘woman’ made me feel old, I almost cringed. However, the words before that held more effect. I searched his eyes again to see if it was just a prank but they simply showed honesty and like I said earlier, regret.

I had no idea where my legs were taking me but before I knew it, I was off the stool, walking towards dad and giving him a warm hug. He reciprocated and we stayed that way for minutes.

"You need a shower, you stink." He pulled me aside gently while scrunching up his nose in disgust. I barely controlled my laughter as I placed my armpit closer to his nose, making him almost gag.

"Okay okay, you smell so nice, just like roses." His attempt at stopping my actions was amusing.

"Good to know. Now, I better get back to my breakfast. By the way, these are the best chocolate chip pancakes I've ever tasted. I think you've got great culinary skills." My dad's cheeks turned pink at my appraisal.

I sat back to finish up the rest of my pancakes. To my astonishment, I ate all five pancakes and downed the fruit juice before taking a pain relieve medicine. I even went as far as sneaking away some of dad's pancakes before hurrying out while laughing my heart off.

Dad's insinuation was right; I am indeed foodie!

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," I paused at the stairs to hear what he had to say, "You're  grounded for your actions last night." Dad yelled.

I whined and complained as I continued climbing up stairs. Muttering something about how my dad had to ruin the moment.

When I finally laid on my amazing, relaxing and cozy bed, I still wondered how I got home safely, without a scratch but inebriated.

Dedicated to all foodies in the house. Lemme see your hands up!

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