Chapter 10

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The check up took about forty minutes which involved regular questions about my health, sight, my blood pressure checked, my temperature also, my blood taken for a test whose results will be brought the next time she came.

"You seem to be in perfect condition but your BP is quite high. You need to relax and put whatever's  making you think too much behind. That is the key to a healthy lifestyle!" The doctor counselled me after everything was finalized. Her thick German accent made the word ‘that’ sound more like 'zat’ with a thick friction in her throat, if I'm not mistaken.

There was so much sense in her words. If I wanted to get better, I had to forget everything that made me feel bad. But the question now was; Do I really want to forget?

Wasn't there a way whereby I could still remember without damaging my health? There had to be a way!

“Please!" She begged. She knew from the look on my face, I had made a choice contrary to her advice.

"It's not that easy! I have no idea how I could ever forget what I feel inside right now." I whispered. I'd give anything to feel happy and content, back to the way I felt before things fell apart. But I believed nothing would ever change.

She took my hand in hers in understanding and our eyes clashed. We both didn't say anything for a while until she broke the silence.

"Losing someone is never easy! I and my husband have been trying to start a family for four years now." I gasped, covering my mouth with my free hand. I couldn't believe what I heard.

"I'm so sorry to hear that!" I manage to choke that out.

"It's alright. However last year, I managed to get pregnant and we were so thrilled with the idea of having a child, we bought so many toys and clothes for the baby even though we had no idea what the sex was. Three months later, I had a miscarriage and my husband and I were so devastated, we gave out those clothes and toys to charity." The silver gleam of tears had surfaced on her face now and her lips trembled slightly.

The reality that people all over the world are suffering from diverse challenges hit me. I had ignorantly thought that I was the only one on earth who had a problem. Silly me!

"I'm really sorry you had to go through that!" I expressed my condolences with a hug of which she gratefully accepted. I couldn't believe this had turned from a ‘check up’ session to a ‘sharing life issues’ session. I was too saddened by all she and her husband had gone through. It wasn't easy losing a child, I could see how mum had been so heartbroken prior to the surgery when she learnt that I might die.

Now I knew how she felt. It was a terrible feeling!

I sat comforting her what seemed to be hours until she had calmed down and could speak again. After the hug, I reached out to the drawer beside my bed and got out a pack of tissues which I gave to her. She made use of them until she felt better.

"I'm sorry Cassie. I just got so emotional and couldn't control myself. It seldom happens." Doctor violet apologized seemingly embarrassed. From the little I knew about her while in the hospital, she was a smiler and jovial person. But we are all humans, our weaknesses surfaced at some point.

"You don't have to apologize. You've been supporting me  ever since we met so I'm glad I could help." I tried to brighten up the mood with a smile which she returned.

"Well then, where did I stop?" she asked and pondered in her her question.

Oops, so there's more? I thought.

"But my husband and I have decided to to keep fighting! Just because we lost one doesn't mean we can't have another. It hasn't been easy I tell you, but we've got God and He helps us so much! He bears the pains for us! He brightens and lifts our spirits when we're down. Sometimes, we get so depressed and begin to argue and blame each other making our love for each other look like a joke. However, we resort to prayer and find peace after pouring our hearts to God. I tell you, God is Awesome!" She ended with a grin. I could tell God had been of tremendous support to her.

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