Chapter 16

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It was my first time leaving my room since I walked into it. But it sure didn't feel like it as I ran after my silly cousin who apparently ran faster than a cheetah, in those destructive stilettos of hers. I felt faint moments after I got down the stairs, already given up hunting Ana. This little lapse reminded me I had to begin working out. I stopped strenuous exercises as a teenager knowing I had no idea if I had lost weight or not. I mean I knew I wasn't skinny or overweight but I wasn't an exercise aficionado. The only thing I did often, which I could count as a form of exercise was walking to the beach. It helped me physically and mentally and I was grateful and satisfied with that.

Thus far, I had to step back into the gym to rediscover myself, and perhaps get a six pack!

Just bluffing on the latter though!

"How come you never became an athlete Ana? You would have done great!" I complimented and pondered simultaneously. If she was this athletic, perhaps she would have made it in the track world.

"I have never been a sports person cuz. Come on Aunt Steph and Uncle Matt are in the dinning room." My cousin replied as we headed towards the direction of the dinning room, which was connected to the kitchen.

My parents were laughing at some old joke when we stepped but their laughter seized when they saw me. I believed they also realized it was my first time leaving my room.

"Cassie honey, come join us. We've got your, um, your favorite dessert." Dad stuttered as he ushered me in. I nodded timidly before grabbing a seat. Wow... So much was laid down on the table. There was fried rice, chicken, a bowl of vegetable salad, some lobsters, boiled corn, a bowl of fruit salad, a jug containing some fresh fruit juice, a bottle of wine and my favorite strawberry cheesecake. This wasn't a meal for four people, on the contrary, it could feed a multitude.

But I wasn't complaining.

We said grace after which, I grabbed a plate and serving spoon, ready to serve myself but mum insisted on doing the honours. I watched mum peckishly while answering her questions on the right portion of food I wanted. When she finally delivered my plate full of ambrosia, I unhesitatingly began eating. It was simply delicious!

No one talked during dinner, everyone obeying mum's strict table manners. However at some point—we couldn't help ourselves—we appraised mum for her amazing cooking skills. When I was done with the second course, I stared sullenly at the cheesecake, wondering how on earth it was gonna fit into my stomach. But it looked so appealing! Goodness!

"What made you guys decide to have my favorite strawberry cheesecake for dinner, did you know I would be joining you?" I inquired after fleeting moments of staring at my favorite dessert. Everyone stopped eating simultaneously with guilt written all over them.


"We noticed you change and how you're willing to move on. So we thought about you joining us for dinner tonight would be a healthy start! Of course, we didn't want to pressurize you into anything, therefore, we asked Ana to make use of her goofy charms to bring you downstairs." Dad broke the awkward silence.

I glared at my ‘goofy’ cousin but she only grinned. However, I could sense her shudder in guilt. I couldn't blame her though! They all wanted what's best for me and it hurt them to see me locked up and depressed. The least I could do was appreciate their efforts.

"What are we waiting for? Let's dig into it. I hope it tastes as good as I remember." I replied much to their surprise, earning a sigh of relief from them. Mum got up from her seat, knife in hand, dividing the cake and giving me the largest portion.

"Welcome back sweetie!" We all laughed as she handed over the cake to me. Well, I'd just have to find somewhere to fit in this gigantic piece of strawberry cheesecake.

"Thank you for this guys! It means the world to me." I was definitely touched. I only had to put the past behind and move forward.

"We love you always!" They said in unison.

"Okay group hug!" Ana said. 


Well, I was surrounded by the most amazing people. Flawed but nevertheless amazing. I knew they would help in my rejuvenation stage. I had love and support and I wasn't gonna take it for granted!

"I agree, we should definitely group hug!" I concurred, standing to my feet.

We spent the rest of dinner cheerfully. My parents and cousin finally understood that I had put the past behind me and looking forward to my future!


That night, I got to bed late. My stomach was extremely full and my muscles ached but I managed to brush my teeth and take care of my hair before going off to bed.

My thoughts before zooming off were of tomorrow's events. I had no idea what the day would be like but I was positive it'd be just fine.

After all, I had God, my family and friends to help me out. They were all I needed!

Very short chapter guys, I hope it's worth reading! Do let me know your thoughts and where you think this story is heading to.

You can also leave your questions and I'd happily answer them!

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Next update coming soon!


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