Chapter 26

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"What do you mean ‘We want you to date Zachary and possibly get married to him one day?’ Dad are you aware of this?" I gazed at my father. His contrite expression was enough proof that he obviously knew about it.

I exhaled a deep breath before collapsing on the couch. My parents and I had returned home from the valedictory service while Ana had decided to hangout with her boyfriend and then spend the weekend with her family.

Lucky her.

As for me I had to endure the presence and never-ending questions of the Hamptons. I almost snapped at them at some point but my respect for the elderly restrained me. During the ride back home, I sulked and fixed my gaze pointedly at the view from the window. The large and comfy limousine however, seemed too enclosed and suffocating in the company of my parents. Immediately we arrived home, I wasted no time in dismounting and dashed for the living room where I waited for my parents who sluggishly came in, looking innocent and oblivious.

So here we are.

"Are you both going to answer me or do I have to beg?" I enquired, when both turned mute.

"Your mother and I felt it was a grand idea if you got to meet Zachary Hampton and possibly brew a fairytale romance." His gagging tone at the last part of the sentence was enough to amuse me if I weren't the topic of the conversation.

"Fairytale romance?" I scoffed, "Why would I be suddenly interested in someone I barely know?"

"That's it right there; You barely know him. But I know if you both spend time together, you can grow to love him." Mum piped in. Sometimes I wished I could get into her head to figure out how her imagination worked. You don't grow into loving someone for Pete's sake. You fall in love; madly and desperately.

"Was that how you and dad fell in love, huh? Your parents forced you both together, you barely tolerated each other and then slowly, like a snail trailing towards its food, you grew to love each other? How pathetic!" I exclaimed.

"Well, your definition of our love surely beats pining for someone we all know is dead!" Mum hollered back.

Her words had more effect than a slap to the face. I felt crushed and angry. Nothing hurts more than being mocked and ridiculed by someone close to you. That was it! I was fed up with this conversation. I had to leave or I'd end up lashing at both of them and I knew I would regret that later.

"Cassieopia, I'm sor—"

"Save it mother! Stop apologizing for what you truly meant and what I'm sure you'd say again." And with those final words, I scampered into my room where I tumbled down on my bed and sobbed.

This wasn't the first time I had been treated this way. Even though no one said it, nevertheless, I noticed the pity looks they gave me when I refused to talk to or be close to anyone of the opposite gender. I perceived the look of sadness my family and friends had when the thought of me being in a new relationship arose. I observed how frustrated they felt when I withdrew and isolated myself at social gatherings and barely talked to male strangers.

Why couldn't they understand that I wasn't ready? Why couldn't they realise it took time to let go of someone you loved so passionately? Why, why, why?

But when will I be ready?

This question has bugged me a countless number of times and I honestly couldn't wrap up the answer to it. Sometimes it felt like I could just dive into a relationship and see if it worked. Other times, I imagined it would hurt Jason if his spirit would see me being close to someone else.

Lame, I know. But that's how I felt.

You just have to take the risk! My subconscious screamed at me.

What if it never works out? What if I barely feel anything for anyone else, thereby hurting their feelings? These questions in my head swam around like a sea of confusion.

You'll never know until you try! You'll be on the same spot wishing you had someone to love you the way you deserve. You'll end up being alone if you isolate yourself further. My subconscious emphasized.

The next few minutes passed by as I chewed on my thoughts, assessing but not over thinking, the pros and perks of giving love a chance.

Even if love was lost, even if love was dead, one way or another, love could actually return!

I had no idea how I managed to jump out of bed but by time I did, I was already rushing into my closet looking for the perfect outfit. I needed something to match my emotions. Something that spelt "I needed to be brave enough to love again".

The solution came in the form of a red sequin dress with long sleeves and flowed straight from shoulders, down to my thighs—too daring, I know—the neckline was cut low enough to show just the barest hint of cleavage and I complimented it by adorning a silver pendant necklace with matching silver earrings. For my hair, I felt the full curls made me look like I wanted too much attention so I packed it up in a bun, smoothening and laying the edges with an edge control gel. I liked how it framed and brought out the oval shape of my face.

Makeup was next.

Therefore, because I lived for Valerie's smokey eyes the first time I saw her back then at my welcome home party, I opted on that. I was careful to make sure I got the right sweep of my eyeliner, mascara and glitters. I watched in awe as my eyes sparkled under the light emanating from the bulb beside my vanity. Having a neutral colour on my lips would definitely go, I thought. So, I dabbed on a shimmering water coloured lip gloss on my lips.

Heading to my inner closest in search of the right pair of shoes, I stumbled on a pair of red sandals which had just the perfect heels to make me comfortable all night long. I also picked up a little silver clutch with matching sliver chains hanging on both sides. Grabbing the chains, I placed it over my left shoulder down to the right side of my waist.

Fifteen seconds of spraying every perfume and fragrance I could lay my hands on, I was finally ready! I loved my reflection as I stared for what felt like hours.

It was time to leave.

Switching off both lights in my closest and enormous bedroom, I left my room. At the hallway, I heard muffled voices of my parents discussing. It wasn't until I went down the stairs, I realized my parents still hadn't changed their party clothes nor left their positions since I left them. I contemplated talking to them you know, telling them where I was off to. But how could I when didn't even know where I was headed?

I sighed and tried walking quietly past them but my heels had a different thought of their own as the clinking sound of my heels against the marbled tiles alerted my parents of my presence.

My heart boosted a new surge of confidence as I witnessed the awed faces of my parents. They stared at me like I was another person entirely. I almost screamed "Mum close your mouth or you might catch a fly!", but I refrained myself. Let her stare all she wants!

Head high, I had succeeded in walking by until their voices startled me. I almost flinched but remained calm.

"Where are you going?" Dad said.

"Yes, where are you heading to by this time of the night?" I hardly believed the second voice belonged to my mother. She was obviously still in a state of shock and surprise.

Good for her. I smirked

I studied the grand clock placed on the wall, right above the largest flat-screen television I've ever seen, only to realize the time read 7pm. It was still early enough for me to go out.

"Aren't you going to say something?" It was dad again. He seemed less affected.

Looking back, I glanced at them for ten whole seconds, wondering what to say.

"I'm out to find love again!"

Startlingly myself by my words, I briskly led myself out of the house before my parents recovered enough to send me back in.

Maybe my words could come true tonight!

I'm so excited for what just happened and what happens next. Please keep reading! *smiles*

Vote, comment, share and follow me! *smiles again*


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