End of Book 2

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He walked towards me in slow motion or maybe he was running but in my head, every step was slow and calculated.

A lot had changed about him!

His hair... They were the first concrete feature I noticed.

Long, straight and blond!

They had grown obscenely longer than the length I had been familiarized with. They grew past his ears, and I was certain if he packed them, it'll make the sexiest ponytail ever.

As he walked, I watched as his muscles flexed. His shoulders; wide and sharp no doubt his white T-shirt covered a lot of muscles and a possible eight pack. I wanted to run my hands through them. To feel...

Concentrate Cassie!

I switched off all thoughts as I waited for him to come to me. I would have ran towards him but my legs had a different plan of their own.

So I waited instead!

And then, like the scariest and sweetest thing, he was kneeling in front of me. I can assure you the world stopped at that moment. The waves of the sea roared, the wind blew hard and fast; nature seemed to scream its congratulations!

But I was too numb to notice anything else as we stared into each other's soul. His sea-blue eyes became my asylum; my safe place. I just couldn't stop staring at them.

Needing to feel how real the moment was, my quivering hands touched his face, memorizing this glorious man. Immediately, I touched him, his hands did the same, like he was waiting for me to make the first move. They started from my hair and down my face, to my jaw.

Then our foreheads collided and our eyes shut, as we held on to each other. My hands around his neck and his on my waist.

Words weren't needed. We had each other, thus, signifying the missing piece.

Joy, relief, happiness, fulfillment and much more occur when Love returns.

When Love returns, it snatches the pain of the past and utterly destroys it. You could barely remember how dark and gloomy you felt before.

When Love returns, it overwhelms and astonishes you to the point that you're inexpressive of your emotions. It throws you off guard, enraptures your entire being and leaves you exhilarated.

When Love returns, it heals you! There could exist grief and misery prior but at its wake, a new found recovery and emotional cure that surpasses all the pain.

I had cried, felt dejected, miserable, and resigned from life. But here I am, and I can say that there had been a purgation of every feeling that initially represented sadness.

Now I could see the different colours of life, not just black and white.

Truly, before him I merely existing!

Now... I live!

We untangled a little but still held each other in our arms. Neither knew what to say. I was unbothered though. I could live in this moment forever! I was about to close me eyes again and lean into his touch when he spoke for the first time.


Did you know how long I had earnestly desired to hear my names on his lips again?

No, you didn't!

However, strange as it seemed, I found myself walking down memory lane. Suddenly, I could picture myself running out of the hospital, into the rain, carried back to the hospital, having a panic attack, returning home to the emptiness of my bed and life, unable to eat, pushing away my family and friends, writing my first letter with the deepest, realest pain, trying to adjust to seeing, attending Jason's funeral in England, shedding tears with his mum, coming back emptier and drained, more adjustments and more letters, giving up on love, deciding to go back to school, shutting off any available guy within arm's length, giving love a chance, then Jason's return.

Then I thought it myself, I had grown but passed through a lot nevertheless. And when I stared right back at Jason, I couldn't hold myself any longer.

Perhaps it was based on impulse or perhaps I had programmed it one way or another in my head. But that wretched and distressed surprisingly resurfaced and that part of me wanted him to feel just a little of how I felt.

It was selfish but I couldn't help but have the burning desire to slap him on the face for all the hell I went through because of him.

And that was exactly what I did!


So, we're at the end of book 2!

Do let me know your thoughts!

My word!

It has been such a great experience writing this piece and I am beyond blessed to have written it.

I'm sure you must be having mixed reactions over how this story ended but remember; this is not the final ending so hang in there.

Thank you so much for joining me on this long ride. For all the reads, votes, comment, shares, the constant reminder to update, the love for my work, I say THANK YOU!

I'll take a short break, then I'll be back with book 3.

I love you all so much.


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