Chapter 37

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You've got this Cassie, It's gonna be all right! My inner self chanted as I parked my car, walked sluggishly up the stairs to the porch and to the door where I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

There was no response.

I rang it again.

And again. No one responded.

Maybe there was no one in. I guess it was normal not to be around this hot afternoon. Perhaps they had gone to the beach as people did during summer. It was getting hotter by the day and not even the spaghetti tank top and jean shorts I wore, eased off the heat. I wiped off an imaginary sweat. Which means I'd come back lat-

"Hi Cassie!" I jumped at the unexpected voice and turned behind me to see who it was.

"I'm sorry I scared you." She answered while giving me a side hug which I interchanged.

"No problem Alethia. Is Peter at home?" Peter's daughter had grown to become so beautiful and really curvy. I guess her mother's Hispanic side had something to do with it.

"Yeah, dad's around. We're having a barbeque at the backyard. I only came because I heard the doorbell ring. Come along!" Not one to waste time, she retreated, confident that I was walking behind her.

We left the porch and went round back where I noticed a barbeque stand with a whole new version of Peter standing there. He had an apron with buzzy bees inscribed and beneath the apron was a colourful beach shirt and shorts. Then, on his right hand was a fizzy drink. He constantly leaned into his wife's touch—whose arms was wrapped around him from behind—with the other hand, he barbecued.

One could see how much in love they were with each other. It was kinda strange though as I never imagined Peter, mum's bodyguard and head of security, to be all smiles and goofy. He usually had this aloof aura around him when he was working.

Well, this was good for a change.

"Hello." I murmured abashedly, not planning to ruin their lovey-dovey moment. But I had to.

"Goodness! Cassie, it's so good to see you." His wife, Flora, ran over to embrace me. I already felt at home at that moment as I hugged her back.

"So good to see you too. You look lovely as always." I complimented to which she blushed. She twirled 180 degrees in her coral coloured summer dress.

"That's what I tell her every day." Peter chimed in and I smiled. Flora went back to him and pecked his jaw, mumbling something. In return, Peter had a glint in his eyes.

I didn't want to know what she said. But I had an idea.

"Gross! Aren't you both way too old to still be in love?" Gerald, their 16 years old son, strode out of the kitchen, a bowl of fries and ketchup in his hands. The gagging expression he had on his face was enough to make me laugh so hard. When he got close to me, I ruffled his hair in greeting. He nudged my hand away, grinning.

"Why don't you join us for some barbeque, Cassie?" Flora asked and I readily agreed. We sat down at the wooden benches attached to a relatively large wooden table. It was piled up with so much food. There was enough grilled chicken and beef to feed eight people, corn, french fries, some potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, macaroni and cheese.

"Are you expecting visitors?" I asked. I knew we cooked far more than this at home since we ate a lot and had enough money to spend on food. Peter was paid more than enough to own a mansion howbeit, I was still surprised.

They all laughed. The question clearly wasn't new to them.

"We eat a lot here and summer time is a good excuse to fill our bellies to the brim." Flora answered after their laughter had died down.

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