Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry! It'd only be a minute. I have something to show you." It was Tess. As she juggled into the room, unsure if I'd permit her, I noticed she held a box. Curiosity killed me and I nodded for her to come in, letting go of my pride.

Although my bed was large enough to accommodate three people comfortably, I adjusted some more for her to come join me. She sat sluggishly and I noticed the bags underneath her eyes. I realized she was also fighting her own demons or in this case, fighting the reality of losing someone she loved forever. I wanted to hug her and tell her we were in this together and hoped she would cry on my shoulders and hopefully fill my shirt with her tears. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't the only one feeling so empty. I wanted-

"How are you feeling?" Her voice shattered my thoughts. How was I feeling anyway? Bad? Worse than yesterday? I had no idea.

"Tired!" I settled for that word. It explained loads of things. I was tired of crying but couldn't help myself. Tired of feeling emotionally depressed.

I just wanted Jason to come back!

"I understand how you feel. I haven't slept since yesterday no matter how hard I try." She smiled but it clearly didn't reach her eyes. The familiar glimmer of excitement embedded in a smile was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm sorry, for everything." I whispered, doubting she'd hear me.

"I should be the one apologizing. We didn't want you to cry or feel hurt anymore. That was why we agreed not to talk about Jase." She made mention of the nickname Jason seemed to loathe. I remembered him getting irritated when she called him that while we were in England.

"Well, I should be allowed to make my own decisions especially in cases like this!" Realizing the tone at which I was speaking could lead to another argument which I wasn't physically, mentally or emotionally capable of doing, I decided to change the topic. Glancing back at the box she held, I pointed at it asking, "What's that you're holding?"

She seemed to have forgotten about it and snapped back to reality after I asked. She passed it gently to me, saying, "Open it!"

I did as I was requested and took a hold of the box. It was square shaped wooden box. It was neither new nor old. I figured whoever had it hadn't been using it for a long time but didn't buy it recently either. What could be inside? The only way to find out was to open it. Firmly holding the sides of the cover, I opened it.  

Inside were picture frames. I picked up the first one and looked intently. It was of a young teenage boy. He had a short blond hair and smiled shyly at the camera. He wore a white shirt and khakis, I guess. He was really cute and I bet could be put in place as one of the popular high school boys in my Teen fiction books. He made an expression of a peace sign with his fingers and I smiled. He looked happy. I picked up another which had the same boy but in a different setting. He wasn't looking at the camera though. He had a pile of books next to him and seemed to be studying. Woah! So cute teenage boys actually read? I muttered, dropping the picture and picking up another.

Why was Tess showing me these anyway. Was this her method of cheering me up? Pictures of teenagers?

I sighed but looked at the third one anyway. This was different. It appeared to be the same boy who had grown into...a handsome young man. His initial short blond hair had grown and was swept back in an extremely attractive way. He had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. He still had the same smile but this time, more appealing. I swooned and almost turned to goo while staring at him. Which was awkward considering I was still mourning my boyfriend. I wasn't supposed to feel this hyper over a stranger,was I?

Speaking of stranger, a young lady's lips were pressed to his cheeck, while her arms wrapped around his neck. He had a goofy grin. I became aware that it was Tess. I looked back at the real Tess who was staring at me in anticipation. Was she trying to show me she was dating someone else? This sure wasn't Dan.

"Is he your new boyfriend?" I asked, she shook her head in denial.

"Is he your ex? I enquired again.

"Seriously, you can't recognize him?" It was my turn to shake my head, "Look closely!" she suggested.

I complied and turned my faze back to the picture. Squinting, I saw the sign of group of words and people are the background counter, proving that they were in a restaurant. Staring at me both of them, I realized although they had the same blond hair but different features, there was still an unspoken bond around them. Like they were siblings. Or steps siblings, or-

My entire being paused when I finally understood their relationship. They were indeed step siblings. This was definitely Tess, which meant without a doubt that the other was... Jason!

Holy cow!

Someone pinch me please. This has got to be a dream. My attention was transfixed on him. He was incredible. It shocked me how captivated I felt even when thinking he was a stranger. Affirming he was none other than the love of my life, I was motionless.

As cliché as it sounded, I knew I was gonna start crying again. I could feel it. But it was worth it! Seeing the man I've been in love with, even before I knew what love meant, for the first time-even if it was picture and not in reality-I felt a new wave of love. 

"Are you alright?"Tess asked.

"Ye-yeah, I'm fine." But I really wasn't and she knew it. She wasted no time in dragging me into her arms while I cried and undoubtedly stained her shirt, which was something I had hoped to be the reverse.

"Let it out Cassie. Let go!" And like a sway, I obeyed and let go. I cried because I realized I had lost the most handsome and amazing man in history. I cried because I knew with such beauty, he attracted the opposite sex but I knew he had eyes for only me. I cried because I knew he would never be replaced in my heart. I cried because I wanted him back. 

But he wouldn't.

If wishes were horses...

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