Chapter 24

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"Oh my gosh! You look so sexy. This dress definitely suits you!"

Tess, Ana and Samantha couldn't stop complimenting me. It's been a week since one of us, aka Valerie traveled for her honeymoon in Bali so we'd all been together. We had a sleep over at Samantha's house the night prior and spent the rest of the following morning and noon at a spa. I had been to the spa a couple of times but this felt different. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I could see now, or that the place looked so classy and the masseuse had expertise in act of massaging. My body felt so relaxed and ache free. We also had manicure, pedicure and facials session.

I was curious as to why we had to  spend the whole day at the spa but my inquisition was sorted out when Ana announced we would be spending the evening and wee hours of the morning at a club. I panicked suddenly realizing I had never been to the club before. I had heard stories however, of how people went there to have a good time; laugh, drink, dance and party nonstop. It seemed like a waste of time to me but I guess it was a great idea to test the waters. It would be nice to get a personal impression of ‘Club life’.

So I agreed!

But the dress they said I looked sexy in, was more of a shirt than a dress. It was grey and way shorter than any dress I ever owned. It wasn't mine but Samantha's so that pretty much explained it's length considering Samantha was a few inches shorter than me. I gulped in the sight of the provocative dress and developed second thoughts about going.

"Here's a pink lipstick so it wouldn't look like you're trying so hard to get attention." Chinonso, a beautiful and very dark-skinned girl from Nigeria, studying at the same university with us whom I suddenly became friends with and had stopped by to go with us to the club, suggested.

"Actually, I want a smokey eye look and nude lipstick and make up just like the way Valerie did hers during my welcome home party." Three out of four girls stared at me, wondering what I meant until suddenly, like a lightbulb shone over her head, Samantha remembered.

Thank goodness!

"I remember. I could help you get it done considering I was the one who made Valerie up that day. But why do you want a smokey eye though? Don't you think it would be too much?" She inquired, trying to change my mind to something subtle but my mind was made up. Ever since I saw the way it complimented Valerie's beauty, I had always imagined doing the same.

"If that's what she wants, then let's do it. I don't see any problem because it would definitely make her sexier." Ana to the rescue! She winked at me after saying that. I tried to ignore the glint in her eyes as she winked. Instead I focused on the task at hand as Samantha got ready to make my wish a reality.


We got to the club about twenty minutes after we left. The girls suggested we hailed a cab in case we got too drunk to drive ourselves. I didn't plan on getting drunk—ever—but I agreed nonetheless.

By the time we had arrived, I could smell the stench of cigarettes from afar off and the sound of music playing faintly. We got out of the taxi and straightened our outfits. Valerie and Chinonso wore black and white playsuits respectively while Tess wore a gown that embraced her curves, Samantha wore a shiffon long-sleeved blouse and denim shorts. We all looked sexy and independent in our outfits, paired with heels of course!

"Okay ladies, it's time to have mad fun." Chinonso screamed, looking drunk already. This earned a laugh from us.

However as the laughter began to wear off, I felt nervous and fiddled with my hands wondering what laid ahead of me in there. Ana noticed my discomfort and pulled me to her.

"Hey! You're gonna have fun, I promise! Just loosen up and be confident. I'm sure you'll earn more than a thousand stares tonight. Make sure you hold on to these though. You might be needing them tonight." She advised, placing something in my hands. I looked down at my hands and stared directly at two foil wrappers staring back at me. Realising what they were, I threw them back at her.

"Ew! You're so gross!" I grimaced, watching her laugh so hard while she placed the condoms back into her clutch.

"What? I was just trying to lighten the mood!" she said still laughing at me. Soon the others joined her. I grunted and folded my arms, waiting for the humorous moment to pass.

When it did, Tess was the one to speak instead,

"Cassie, what she's trying to say is we all want you to move on. I know losing my brother took its toll on you but you have to let go.  We care about you, that's why we brought you here to perhaps meet someone who could be the centre of an aesthetic beginning in your life. We're tired of seeing you be the third wheel every time we hangout. As painful as it sounds, you need to let go of your past and look forward to what the future holds. I'm sure Jason would want that for you." The atmosphere had changed sullenly. They all stared at me, concern written all over them, waiting for what I had to say.

I couldn't tell them that I wasn't over Jason. That I still spent my quiet and alone time, thinking about him. That I waited daily hoping he'd return even when I had already attended his funeral. That I spent so much time writing letters to him even when I knew he'd never reply nor come back.

Instead, I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded at them, pretending to consider moving on. They seemed relieved, chanting "Attagirl!" and gave me a group hug which lasted for about... I couldn't count.

"Since that's settled, lets go party!  I feel like we've spent the entire night being mushy and sentimental. Therefore, I have to make do with the little time we have left." Ana said while running in her ludicrous pair of heels. We followed suit!

As we got our passes— a sort of white sticker placed on our wrists—we went in, past the big buffy bouncers in suits.

Immediately, the music hit full blast and we walked past overly excited people swaying to the music. The smell of alcohol, cigarettes and other things I didn't want to know about, hung in the air. I was led to an aisle where a bartender stood with a smile.

"Welcome beautiful ladies, what would you be having to start off the night?" He asked with a smile in a heavy Spanish accent.

"Tequila shots for now, señor." Samantha winked at him causing a grin from us all including the bartender.

He placed our shots before us and we each took ours.

"To having fun tonight." Ana made a toast.

"To having fun tonight!" We repeated and downed the liquor. I made a face as the hot liquid cascaded my throat. Alcohol is so disgusting! I mentally concluded but took three more shots anyways.

As we left for the dance floor, I glanced at the people all around me, having a good time and I thought to myself, maybe I could too!

Maybe I could finally move on!

Is she about to start forgetting Jason and move on for good?
I can't wait for what happens next.

Please leave a comment on what you think.

I'd deeply appreciate it if you would vote, share and follow me as well.

By the way, where are my Nigerians at? Signify if you're a Nigerian living abroad and comment the country you reside in.

I can't wait to get smokey eyes and nude make up to compliment it. I still suck at make up for now! *Lifts head high in hope*

Till the next update, see you!


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