Chapter 13

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"Can I come in?" His rather bold voice shocked me. He always exhumed a kind of confidence that never existed in my world. Without further request, I ushered him in, closing the door after his entrance. Why did he request coming in? If mum definitely sent him to me, he would have relayed her message at the doorstep. Or maybe something serious had happened to my parents. I shivered at the thought of that. I would never be a fan of bad news, not now not ever.

"Earth to Cassiopeia." Peter waved his hands horizontally across my face. Caught aback immediately I heard my full name, memories resurfaced. No one ever called me ‘Cassiopeia’ except mum and Jason. It felt foreign from Peter and I had to bite my tongue from telling him to just call me ‘Cassie’ instead. I remembered it made Jason a little bit jealous when George and Charles called me by my full name. Before I knew it, a faint smile outlined my lips as I reminisced Jason's possessive side.

I believed he alone had the right to call me by my full name. He will forever be the only man who could make my heart flutter just by the sound of his voice calling my name. There would never be anyone else.

"You've spaced out again." Mum's bodyguard and Chief of security commented. This time, I made sure to listen.

"You can call me Cassie... Just Cassie!" I replied nonchalantly, not wanting him to see through me and know what I was thinking.

"Sure Cassie," He cleared his throat, "I just wanted to know how you're feeling after you know... After everything." He answered sadly. Yeah, everyone felt sorry for me.

"I'm fine. You don't have to be concerned." I shrugged indifferently meanwhile I felt so uncomfortable. Talking about Jason's death always made me dejected. Like a heavy log of wood on my shoulders. I just couldn't endure it each time.

"On the contrary, it's my duty to be concerned, not only as the head of security but as a friend." He interjected. I had already begun feeling guilty for making it seem terrible for him not to care. Of course, he was! After all he was close friend of my parents and an age long person in this household.

"Besides, Jason is—was a good man. The most humble and selfless kid ever. I knew he loved you so much and for that it gladdens me that you both shared a love so strong, you brightened up everywhere." His words had me tumbling down in misery. I had no idea people took notice of our relationship. We weren't PDA freaks but indulged once in while.

"I'm so sorry. If I had known saying that would make you feel devastated, I would have kept my mouth shut. Please don't cry!" I guess I could say the guilt I experienced earlier had been transferred to him.

"I just don't know how not to feel sad. Sometimes I feel so alone. It hurts all the damn time." It was all I could do not to swear.

"I should say ‘Watch your language miss’ however, in your predicament, you're free to express yourself whatever way you can." Peter attempted cheering me up and becoming less serious.

"Shit! Prick! Dick! Asshole!" I added, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Don't forget pussy. My teenage daughter said that during dinner last night, I swear my eyes almost fell out of their sockets. I was scared shitless realizing for the first time my little girl wasn't little anymore. I almost had a heart attack!" He clutched his chest and scrunched his nose. I didn't need to think twice to know he was thinking about his daughter. I could see the admiration in his eyes. I laughed so hard more tears poured out. This was a bittersweet moment leaving me wondering whether to cry or laugh. Right now, the latter seemed to dominate.

"Get ready to be served with more crude words at dinner. Alethia is surely one blunt young lady." I laughed. If there was one thing I knew about his daughter, it was her knack for being extremely crude. She said whatever she had in mind, not caring about your feelings. To me, it was blessing and a curse.

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