Chapter 32

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I turned around and looked above me at the bell which jingled signalling my presence into the diner.

We had planned to meet here and checking the time indicated on my phone, I was five minutes late.

When I said ‘we’, I meant Zach and I.

Two nights ago, after fulfilling my parents and Tess' wish of accepting to meet Zach, he called me the following afternoon and planned to have lunch together here. Initially, I would have preferred we met at Sweet Love but on second thought, I changed my mind because I definitely knew I would be too engrossed thinking about Jason and our times at the restaurant to listen to what Zach had to say.

He suggested this diner and I agreed right away because I wanted a fresh start. After all, one couldn't move on if one still dwelled on the past.

I gazed down at my summer dress, feeling a little overdressed because as I got in, I noted it was a casual diner where people just came to get some food, relax and go home.

Nothing fancy.

I swore as I couldn't figure out how Tess was able to cajole me into wearing this thigh length, green summer dress with spaghetti straps when I had chosen a sweat shirt and matching sweat pants. According to her, apart from it being summer and the weather being extremely hot, I was meeting the guy for the first time and I had to make a good impression.

Okay, she had a point.

With further persistence on her part, I even wore makeup but no matter what, I refused to straighten my hair. My curly hair was a huge part of me; it professed my mixed race and further signified how I was more black than white. And if anything, these were reason enough not to straighten it. I left it down where it rested on my shoulders in full messy curls that the wind blew to the left and right as it pleased.

I stood awkwardly as my eyes schemed round the place, looking for my so called ‘date’. My eyes met a buffy man with bald head and tattoos all over his body. He looked at me as well and directed his gaze elsewhere, making me realize he wasn't Zach.

Thank God! I didn't know what Zach looked like but I definitely didn't fancy him looking like that.

Taking a second chance, I peered closely at the rest of the male folks. All looked rather shabby, too old, too muscular or too unfriendly. To my inner satisfaction, none seemed to be interested in me which meant one thing; Zach wasn't here.

I wasn't impressed though, because although I got in five minutes late, a guy wasn't meant to keep a lady waiting. It was supposed to be the other way round.

Therefore, I'd rather wait for him outside than stay in here. The diner proved to be rather unwelcoming. As soon as I made the decision and turned around, the unexpected happened.

I bumped into someone and we would've tumbled to the ground if we hadn't found our bearings on time.

"I'm terribly sorry Miss. I should have watched where I was going." The person turned out to be a man and he sounded exactly like the person I spoke to on the phone.

"It's all right. I should have at least warned whoever was behind me instead of turning abruptly. You must be Zach. Nice to meet you." I brought forth my right hand for a handshake.

He clasped mine in his. "You must be Cassie. Nice to meet you finally."

We stared at each other.

No it isn't what you're thinking. We didn't stare at each other in a love at first sight way. It was more of an appraisal. I studied him, observing his style of dressing. He wore an inner white V-neck shirt, covered by a black leather jacket, a pair of faded blue jeans, and black boots. His brown hair was cut low around the sides but fuller in the middle and swept back by his fingers.

A typical bad boy look.

I studied his face. He looked close to what I expected as I had hoped he was young, tall and handsome. He was about 5feet 11inches tall.

Overall, he wasn't bad looking but he didn't make my heart race as I expected. Perhaps by the end of the day, that would change.

"I must say, you look better than I imagined." He broke the silence and my thoughts.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." I answered, trying hard to hide my blush.

An awkward silence followed.

"Would you like to get out of here? This place seems quite... Unfavourable." He read my earlier thoughts.

"Sure. That would be great but what do you have in mind?" I enquired, cocking my eyebrows.

"I was thinking we could order some take out at a drive through and go somewhere quiet where we can talk." That sounded like a brilliant idea so I found myself nodding and together we left for the parking lot.

"I hope you didn't wait for me?" For a moment, I was perplexed by his question but soon understood.

"Not really but I wanted to wait outside instead because I didn't feel welcome in there."

"Likewise. I had been in there twenty minutes ago but I couldn't stand the faces of everyone staring at me like I was fresh meat. So I stayed at the parking lot. However, I realised I had to be inside when you arrived so we could meet properly. I didn't intend bumping into you. I'm very sorry." For the second time he apologized, proving he was very polite or better still, trying to be.

"No problem Zach. We've left there now and that is all that matters." As we got to the parking lot, I expected him to direct me to his car but got the shock of my life.

He was riding a motorcycle.

I remember riding on Jeremy's motorbike twice. It was during those difficult times when he visited me at home and I was still in my mourning phase. Consequently, I hadn't enjoyed it much but liked the feeling nevertheless.

I suddenly stopped walking, "Bumping into each other, leather jacket and now a motorcycle. What other clichéd event have you planned? I asked in a teasing tone.

And for the first time, I watched him laugh. It was a pleasant and contagious sound which got me laughing in return.

"Well Cassie, you'd just have to find out." He also stated with a smirk, teasingly.

"Yikes! I brought my car with me." I pointed to my Range Rover a few distances away. It towered over other vehicles. I had no idea if I were to ride with him or trail behind in my car. The thought of riding the motorcycle appealed more.

Again, he clearly read my thoughts as he replied "You can ride with me! I'll bring you back here much later so you can ride back home in your car."

I didn't have to be told twice as I collected the spare helmet with glee and hopped in, wrapping my arms securely around his waist.

Even if I didn't experience the jittery love signs, it could all change in moment.

Who knows when Love would return?

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