Chapter 20

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It's all been by God's grace! Thank you for reading. I'm amazed by your love for me and my works. Cheers to greater news and greater works!

It rained heavily during Jason's funeral. Notwithstanding, so many people showed up to pay their last respects. We were all instructed by his parents to wear white for the occasion and everyone obeyed. Even the little kids looked angelic in their white suits and pretty gowns. We weren't supposed to cry—that was what I heard—but Almost every of Jason's relatives cried. My parents, Ana, George and Samantha stared at me during the funeral procedures and also when the coffin was to be laid into the earth, expecting me to cry.

But I didn't!

I was clearly surprised myself because this was the moment I had dreaded ever since last month. I had envisioned it especially during the flight to England and the time I wrote the second letter to him. However, I couldn't bring myself to cry. I couldn't feel anything.

As we watched them lay the coffin into the ground, Gemma sprinted towards it almost throwing herself into the grave if Taylor hadn't reacted swiftly by grabbing her and holding her back. She kept sobbing, and screaming "I want to be with him, I want to be with my baby!"

But that could never happen! Well, at the moment, it was impossible!

People began to throw flowers into the grave. I could identify roses, lilies and sunflowers amongst other flowers. When it was my turn, I threw in a toothbrush in instead. It was the first thing I had ever used my money to buy for him, during the first time he spent the night with me. He kept rambling about much he liked the toothbrush and gushed about how perfect it was. I couldn't even see it when I bought it, I just grabbed it from the grocery store. So it was great hearing how much he loved it.

I gazed longingly at it as the diggers began to cover up the grave. I was told since his body wasn't found, some of his valuables were placed in the casket instead. It was really disheartening to know that his dead body laid deep down in the sea.

We all left after the ground had been completely covered up back to normal. We headed for a hall nearby where the thanksgiving and post-funeral process was to be held. As soon as we were in the building, others helped themselves to the buffet at the corner. I watched astonishingly, wondering how they would feel hungry immediately after what they had witnessed. I believed that I was scarred for life and my appetite for the whole day was gone.

I sat beside Tess as we all listened to the priest and pay tributes to Jason. Then a live band began playing different songs. Even Charles and George played a piece they had written for him. The lyrics were so perfect, I shed a tear. Okay maybe a little more than a tear.

Three boisterous kids ran into me, they hugged me fiercely and I wondered why and how they knew me until three pairs of grey eyes stared right back at me. They were identical, had the same haircut—a fringe sort of style—same style of white suits but different ties, same smiles, same pair of shoes and it proved difficult telling them apart.




Three pairs of eyes left mine to look fixedly at a man walking towards all four of us. He wore a plain white suit without a tie. In his arms, was a beautiful young woman who clung to him like a second skin.

"How many times have I warned you boys to stop running around? This isn't a playground or the park!" He cautioned them sternly making them morose.

"But Dad, we haven't seen Cassie since forever. We just wanted to say hi!" one of the boys explained and God, I loved his accent!

I realized they were the famous triplets I adored and played with during my first visit. They looked far healthier and more adorable than I remembered. I smiled at them and they smiled in return.

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