Chapter 15

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"Gosh! Is wearing heels necessary? I can't feel my legs!" I couldn't help but protest. The last one hour had been hell. This was pretty much the worst of them all. How can a girl feel comfortable wearing heels as high as the Empire State Building? I looked at my cousin, admiring and terrified of how she was so balanced and walked with confidence in heels far higher than mine. I wished I could get the hang of it, but at the same breath, I wanted to toss them into the Mediterranean sea.

It was bittersweet!

"Are you kidding me? Haven't you heard the saying "Judge a lady by the shoes she wears"?" I honestly haven't heard that before, "In this case dear cousin, we shall be judged by how high our heels are." She ended with a squeal. I rolled my eyes at her and almost tripped while doing so.

Goodness, these heels will be the death of me!

"Listen Cassie, I know it's your first time and you've got so much to learn, the good news is, it gets better with practice." Is it me or did her speech sound like it had a double meaning? Ugh! I had to take my mind off the gutter.

"Okay Ana but if I break my legs, I'm shipping you back to Scotland to be with your grandparents." I huffed but looked determined this time around to get through with the freaking heels and move on with my life.

"You seem to forget that they are your grandparents as well." She countered with a sly smile.

"Just shut up, please." I swear these heels and my cousin were driving me bananas. " Can we proceed? I want to get these off as soon as possible." I complained aggravatingly.

"Alright, I'm sorry... Oh I have an idea." I watched my cousin jump enthusiastically in those Mount Everest pair of heels and felt a little jolt of courage. If she could walk in stilettos, then I can!

"Music! You need music to help you get through this and learn quickly. Here!" She had gotten her iPod and one of those speakers she made use of during the weekends. I watched in awe as she worked in making the iPod play music and the speaker producing the sound. It was really loud and the music made me groove.

"Who knew you had the moves, I need to learn those steps." I blushed at her compliment but managed to keep a straight face. "However, this is much more important. So watch me walk in sync with the music." I nodded and gazed with keen eyes.

She swayed as she walked, moving from side to side and matching the beat of the song without a misstep. She really was a super model or an immortal. Definitely immortal because no human could do this and still be alive.

"There! Now, try to do what I just did." Oh no, she didn't think I'd get it by watching her just once, did she?

"Can you um, repeat it?" I politely asked. It appeared that she understood how I felt in that, she redid it more than a thousand times. Sometimes I watched her, other times, I walked with her. After the first twenty—or hundred, I didn't count, sue me—attempts, I began to comprehend. That was when I realized walking in high heels was fun and brought out the confidence and—cough—sexiness in me.

I felt powerful, more beautiful and courageous. We tried different pairs of heels ranging from boots to pointy heels to open-toed to wedge heels, to even high heeled sneakers. It was tiring but mind-blowing.

"Wow look at you, all glowing and beautiful. OMG!" She squealed like a stuck pig, a particular glimmer in her eyes. I knew she had one of her famous ideas in that brain of hers.

"We need to post this on Instagram! Imagine the views, comments, likes and followers you'd have." I thought as much! Her plans were always centred on social media. Well, not solely her but the entire youths and teenagers in the planet. It was pathetic! Everything they did, they'd post. I wondered how life would be without those platforms.


Life would be sweet just like how it was with mine before I got to see. I had a family, friends and a great boyfriend. I even had enough money and time to do whatever I wanted without a care about people watching me or not. I lived one of the best lives in blindness. Nonetheless, I was glad to see again. It just meant I had a chance to live life based on my past but in the hope of having a better future.

Therefore, I sure wasn't gonna make a video of this or post it online.

"Ana, you need to stop posting everything you do. I'm neither making a video of this nor posting it." I folded my arms in defiance and conclusion. She paled at my outburst but I wouldn't change my mind.

"Alright I give up!" She sighed and I dittoed. "But can you reconsider taking a video? Just so we can watch this some other day and laugh over it. I'm sure Tess and the girls would like to see this since they are obviously absent." I wanted to say no but she had that sily pout of hers which made it difficult to say no.

I gave up!

"Fine! Just one video and we're completely done for the day." I concurred and she grinned.

"Sure thing! But let me change the song. It's way too emotional!" I agreed. I had no idea the title of the song but it was effusive. Before I knew it, Cardi B's 'I like it' blasted the speakers and I found myself making money moves. Ana fished out her phone and kept tapping on it till I saw the flash at the back of it, indicating a video.

"Are you ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded. "Five six seven eight..." Garnering boldness, I imagined myself as a super model and immortal. I tried to make my steps sync with the music and it actually got better. I felt on top of the world!

I felt...

I felt a slight trip on my ankles and then a bend on my right knee before falling flat on hard tiles. I fell hard, I saw stars! This time I literally couldn't feel my legs. It took me minutes to come back to reality. I touched all parts of my body to be sure I was okay.  Thankfully, I was! There wasn't a sprain or injury. Lucky me!

"Do you feel okay?" Ana, who had rushed to my side asked in concern. There was a glint of guilt in her eyes. "I never should have made you walk in them. If you're injured and aunt Steph finds out, she'd make my life miserable. I guess this was a mistake after all." On and on, she rambled. It was actually funny, watching her fuss over me but I had to pull her out of her guilt trip.

"No, it wasn't a mistake. I'm perfectly okay. It was just a misstep. I'm not hurt at all!" I confirmed by getting up on my feet and twirling for her to see.

"Oh thank God!" She said and I nodded.

"This fall just made me hungry. Let's head downstairs okay?" She conceded even before I completed my sentence. Indeed, the fall was a blessing in disguise. Imagine if I hadn't, we'd still be walking in heels aka the devils trap.

"Speaking of the fall, I totally taped it and it was hilarious! I can't wait to show it to the girls, not after editing it in slow motion." She laughed realising my mouth was wide open.

"Don't you dare! Give me that phone right this instant!" I lunged forward but the heels I still had on deterred me. She noticed that too, a smug look displayed on her face.

"That's if you can catch me. See you downstairs Bella." She blew me a kiss and raced out of my closet into my room like she was Wonder Woman in stilettos while I struggled taking off my shoes.

This wasn't fair! At all!

Tee hee! I am literally chuckling right now.

Has anyone ever experienced an embarrassing moment while wearing heels before? Please share in the comments!

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Love you always,

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