Chapter 35

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"Y—You mean he's a—alive?" Stuttering was never Tess' forte however, I was no doubt impressed she could still make out words. If I were in her shoes, I'd definitely turn mute.

We currently sat on the floor, and although the fluffy rug beneath us felt comfy, we were far distracted by something more pressing. I had narrated absolutely everything—from the club till date—to Tess, who couldn't believe what she heard. But the seriousness of my voice drained away the incredulity.

"That's what I think. But I'm not sure." I replied, still contemplating it all. Would someone else forge Jason's handwriting just for the fun of it? Was this a set up? A prank? Was someone out there laughing their butt off over how gullible we've become?

"And you're sure you received this that night?" she asked, lifting up the letter to inspect it. "What if it's been in your clutch before the surgery and Jason had written and placed it there?"

That sounded reasonable but wasn't the case. "My clutch was empty the night I made use of it and besides, mum recently bought it for me during one of her shopping sprees." I answered.

She sighed.

I did the same.

This discovery was just too good to be true. One doesn't just drown and then came back to life almost a year later. It just wasn't real.

"What if I'm wrong? What if I'm just being paranoid? The man at the parking lot could have been anyone whose eyes matched Jason's." I stated in defeat. It had to be wrong.


"Well, we wouldn't know that unless we find out, would we?" I turned to stare at Tess, trying to gauge her thoughts. She gave nothing away.

"How would we find out?" I inquired, already dreading her train of thoughts

"I think I know where to go." She said, already on her feet and matching for the door.

"Where?" I asked, a little louder than normal.

"Get dressed, we're going to the club."                

If not for the need to know if my hunch was right, I'd have grumbled over how bossy she sounded. Instead, I rose to my feet and dashed for the closet, searching for what to wear.


We hit the club, both looking stressed out than ever. To make things worse, we both wore sweats—hers white and mine, neon green—making us the centre of attention. We didn't even bother to makeup, we just pulled out hair in into very messy buns and wore pairs of converse shoes, at least to depreciate the hobo effect.

All who stared at us made no complaints whatsoever but I could pinpoint how hysterical they found our outfits. Surely when Tess said ‘Get dressed’, I ought to have dressed better but I was so preoccupied, I took the first things I laid my hands on. When I got out of my room and found Tess wearing the same thing, I heaved a sigh of relief, knowing we were on the same page.

Thank God mum and dad had retreated to bed, we would have been thrown off guard by numerous questions. Moreover, Tess drove like a maniac, I thought we'd die. Thank God we arrived safely. In the first few minutes we parked and alighted the car, I couldn't feel my le—

"Where's the bartender?" I was cut off by my best friend's high pitched voice. She was getting frustrated. We had been looking all over club for the bartender who had served me the last time I was here. We had questions that needed answers only he could give.

"I don't know. This is the spot where I sat as he served me right here." I gestured to the counter in front of me while I sat down, feeling tired. Who wouldn't? We'd been here twice and searched other corners of the freakishly large club asking about the bartender. No one could give a standard explanation of where he was. They were either too high or too drunk to be coherent.

Remind me never to use drugs or alcohol for the rest of my life.

"Please do you know where the guy who served my friend over here..." Tess, looking quite the opposite, frustrated but rather energetic, asked the current bartender who this time, was a woman.

Great! So they switch places every freaking day!

I joined my cousin to give the details on the physical appearance of the bartender as I had done with the others we had asked. She was an Afro-American, I was sure about that. She spoke way too loud but seemed rather friendly.

"He's not around. But what can I do for ya?" She replied.

A bang on the counter had both I and the female mixologist shake to the core. I switched my gaze back to Tess noticing that finally, she had given up. She looked dissatisfied and livid.

"What are we gonna do now?" It was now her turn to ask. I merely shrugged as a response. Maybe we could come tomorrow?

"I need a drink! Something strong." Tess slumped down on the high stool, clutching her hair like it would naturally make everything feel all right.

"Nah, I'm not taking anything." I replied when she stared me, knowingly asking if I wanted the same.

"The last time I took something strong, I lost full consciousness and woke up with the absolutely worst hangover known to mankind!" I explained after she said she wasn't buying my sudden alcohol abstinence.

"Your call!" Tess answered with a shrug and turned her attention to the barkeeper about to order a drink.

"Whatever you do, don't order vodka. They will draw you in and mess up your head." I advised, speaking from experience.

"Whatever! I need a shot of whiskey, make it a double." My fear best friend ordered, finally taking a moment to stare at the crowd of people. I did the same.

However, after a few seconds, and no drink on her table, she glanced back at the bartender, only to find her... Staring at me.

"Hello? My drink remember?"  Tess quizzed, snapping her fingers directly in front of the lady, to get her attention. It seemed to work as the lady who zoned out while staring at me with a smirk, came back to earth.

"I'm so sorry. It's just that I remember her." She apologized to Tess, and at the end of her sentence, gestured at me.

Tess and I looked at each other, then back to the lady.

"You um, know me?" I inquired.

"Yeah! I mean, when you walked in the first time, I did know you looked familiar but couldn't place you until you mentioned vodka then it clicked; You're vodka girl." She ended her speech with a smile which I found a little... Creepy.

"Vodka girl?" Tess asked, looking confused. Thank God, I wasn't alone.

"Can you please elaborate?" I mustered in the most polite way possible.

"Vodka girl is what I decided to call you that night you came in and did a great job of stealing the attention of all the guys. Especially two of the hottest guys that night." Pleased that she could remember, she laughed unabashedly, but sobered up when she saw our faces.

I couldn't believe we had looked everywhere tonight for answers, only to stumble on just one person we never expected.

I had a feeling that tonight, we would get the answers we needed.

My sincere apologies to everyone who's been waiting patiently for an update. I hope this chapter makes up for it. Thanks for your patience.

Next update coming up this week!

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