Chapter 9

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I could hardly believe the woman standing in front of me was me. I looked strange. I had a puffy face and bloodshot eyes. Without much thought, my hands reached up to frame my cheeks. I had no freckles or acne or pimples-thanks to God-but there was an irrefutable tiredness to my features. I took a long view at my skin, thoroughly checking myself out. I had a brown chocolate skin and jet black curly hair, a little round hips, a slightly pointed nose, not so small eyes, and sparkling white teeth, just as I had been told by Dad, mum and Ana, those times I asked them questions concerning my body.

My hair looked so dark and healthy, soft and well moisturized, curly and flowed down past my shoulders. It was very full and kinda heavy. I wondered how I had never felt the heaviness my whole life until this very moment. Subconsciously, my hands reached up to it while my fingers lazily combed through it.

Crazy Cassie appeared from nowhere and before I knew it, I was taking off all my clothes and staring at my naked reflection. My curves were visible now. My shoulders weren't broad and my collarbone were hanging out due to the influence of not eating for days. My hands were long and slim but not too thin, my elbows a little darker, the bones on my wrist protruded, my fingers slender; they needed manicure and a shiny nail polish to brighten them. I was thinking yellow. My breasts were round and firm on my chest, my areolas and nipples glistened as the early revolved a tad which caused the sun beaming into my closet from my room. I had a flat belly and no abs, because I hardly worked out at the gym. I only took long walks around my house and the beach. Staring at the lower part of my body, I could see....

No, I wasn't gonna talk about my most precious lady parts, sue me!

My hips were quite round but not too much. My laps and thighs appeared to be brighter than the rest of my body. I could see traces of hair all over the lower part of my legs down to my ankles. I had never waxed my skin before because I knew it was sort of a painful experience. Looking at my legs now, I stood with the fact that I would never do it. What will a few traces of feminine hair on my legs need waxing for? I was just gonna let my natural beauty show with all the confidence I could muster. My feet weren't huge, just the perfect size for my body. I wiggled my toes then gazed at my toenails, they of course needed pedicure.

In totality, I'd say I was a beautiful young woman! I certainly didn't have an over the top kind of beauty but I knew I looked pretty nonetheless. Yay! Looking at me, I realized I must have been ogled by boys even being blind, this body couldn't be resistible, could it?

It took a banging sound from the door of my room to pull me out of my fantasy. I groaned and began to redress, thinking why does someone have to interrupt me anytime I come into my closet?

"Coming!" I shouted, letting whoever it was know that I'd be there shortly.

But it seemed whoever it was had mistaken my word "Coming" as "Come in" as they stormed in. I could hear the thudding sound of  a pair of boots. What if it was someone of the opposite sex? I couldn't possibly let them see me in my birthday suit. I looked briefly at the door of my closet, it was wide open. Surely, whoever it was could see me in a matter of seconds. I had already put on my underwear but could still be seen as indecent if it appeared to be the opposite sex. What was I supposed to do? Thump-thump, my heart beat loudly. Without thinking twice, I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, I got to the closet door and shut it. Well, not before peeking to see that it was none other than Ana.

Gosh! She gave me such a fright! Why would she wear winter boots in summer? Was that the latest trend or was she just being insane Ana? I grasped my raging heart. This girl was capable of giving me a heart attack.

"Gee! You didn't have to hide. It's not like I haven't see you naked before girl." I heard her say behind the door.

"For the life of me, how was I supposed to know? The sound of your boots made it seem like your were someone else." I had to calm down and proceeded to wear my clothes back.

"Oh! Anyway, I was told to inform you that the doctor is around. I was just gonna say so behind the door after knocking but you told me to come in." She answered, confirming my observation.

"Alright, I'd be out in a sec."

There was an awkward moment of silence after that. I thought she had left although I didn't hear her retreating footsteps. I packed my curly hair up with an elastic band I saw close to one of my shoes, letting a few strands loose and fall at the sides of my face.

"Cassie?" she called, just as I was about to open the door. I sensed whatever she wanted to say would be emotional and hard for her to say so my hands stilled at the doorknob.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can we talk later? The doctor will be here to check up on you in a few minutes and I know you'd feel woozy and tired and may not have the strength to talk to me— Shit, I'm rambling! But can we just talk later please? I miss you and want us to talk." She was right about her rambling on and on but who was I to resist my dear cousin? She meant the world to me no matter how crazy she could be. She always had my back! I was becoming too emotional these days. One word and I could feel tears brimming.

"Sure we can! After the check up, you can come back in." I said.

Then I heard her leave and the door shut behind her. I came out of my closet and took deep breaths, resisting the urge to cry. I walked up to my window, staring out into space when the door opened, this time, revealing with a bright smile, Doctor Violet Johann.

PS. I, the amazing author, have never shaved my legs. Sue me! I don't think it's a very trendy thing in Nigeria. Perhaps some slay queens do so but majority of girls I know, keep their legs unshaved.

Perhaps, when I become a celebrity, I might have to do that especially while advertising major designer brands. But I will cross that bridge when I get there! However, for now, it's just me and my fresh/a tad hairy legs lol.

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