Chapter 34

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"So... How did it go?"

"Did you like him?"

"Was he your type?"

"Hope he treated you like a proper gentleman?"

I hadn't even shut the the front door before I got bombarded with questions by my parents. I, however paid no attention to their questions. The incident at the parking lot still fresh on my mind.

It was a miracle I was able to drive home safely as my hands found it difficult controlling the steering wheel. My fingers kept quivering and my gaze was unfocused. I missed a couple of traffic signals but thank God I didn't get into trouble.

Standing in the presence of my parents was no different as my jumbled thoughts left me confused. I knew I was as pale as a ghost but perhaps with my brown skin colour it was difficult to pinpoint that.

Surely, couldn't mum and dad have perceived that I wasn't in a state of normalcy? That there was something wrong?

For once, I struggled to focus on them to see their expressions. They had this gleam of hope so vibrant in their eyes that I felt pity for them. They were hoping to see their daughter return, happier than ever. Perhaps declaring love at first sight.

But that wasn't the case.

However, until I knew if what I saw was merely a hallucination, I wouldn't say a word of information to them. With that decision in mind, I drew a deep breath and answered;

"It went well. Zach and I agreed to talk more tomorrow. But I'm so tired, I need to relax. I'll see you both tomorrow. Love you." I rushed the words out like a robot. I was about to dash for my room when warm hands from my mother, enveloped my wrists.

"We're here for you honey in case you want to talk." She embraced me and dad joined the hug.

"And we love you too." Dad added.

I was grateful for the words and hug because in a way, they calmed my nerves. When they released me, I left their presence this time, I walked slowly to my room, feeling better.

"Thank God you're back! I've been dying to know the details. So how did it go?" I had just got to the guest room—where Tess occupied—approximately two rooms before mine when Tess popped out if it, her blonde hair disheveled, her face lacking sleep, I just knew she had literally spent the whole time waiting for me to come back.

As much as I appreciated her concern, I had to breeze through the hallway quickly, muttering "It was fine", because I knew she only had to see the expression on my face to know that it didn't go well. At least, the parking lot stage.

As soon as I got into my room, I shut the door but left it unlocked with immediate effect and hurried into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and then turning on the shower head to make it seem like I was already taking a shower. I shut the glass door of the shower and went to the bathroom compartment, staring at myself in the mirror.

The guy at the parking lot, was he truly Jason?

This question had been bugging me and swirling around my inner thoughts.

Those eyes were the same as all the pictures of Jason I had seen. Bright blue, sparkling like the ocean a few miles away. They were just too similar.

But what if they were someone else's? I knew Jason was broad, quite muscular and tall but the whole time we were together, I was completely blind so I couldn't recognize him now that I could see.

Damn the lights at the parking lot! My hatred for that place just expedited. If only they had brightened a little bit, maybe I would have been able to see his face.

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